Entries in lori freese (14)
Houston Stars, Dancing for a Cause
DISH Publisher Lori Freese has been honored with an invite to be one of the "Stars" for Halo House Foundation 's gala on November 5th at the Intercontinental Hotel.
Halo House Foundation is a non-profit organization serving people with blood cancers by mitigating a large portion of the financial burden associated with the cost of housing during the patient's stay in Houston.
They do this by providing a fully furnished apartment for $20 per day where the person and their family or caregiver can stay from two weeks to two months while receiving active treatment for their cancer.
Referrals to Halo House come from doctors, social workers, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Houston, and Houston's other charitable facilities.
So you can see why DISH wanted to be invloved...but there is another reason...Lori's dance partner! WOW!
He's absolutely amazing and can make anyone look like they've been dancing their entire lives! Below is a sneak preview of Cristiano and Lori performing their routine on the Fox 26 Morning Show. Cristiano Callegariis a professional ballroom dancer and coach who helps his students and audience understand the realm of dance. Dance has been the main focus and passion of Cristiano’s life since the age of nine. Padova, a city in northern Italy, is where Cristiano began his training. From this beginning in Padova, Cristiano has received much recognition and fulfilled many opportunities. He pursued his training with the best coaches in the world and soon attained the Italian Ten Dance title for two consecutive years. After success on the competitive dance floor, the Italian Dance Federation requested that he and his partner would participate in the New Latin Expression. Cristiano also won the winning title on a televised ballroom show airing in Italy which led to his employment with the television company for choreography. The Italian Dance Federation also made Cristiano the teacher of Italian DanceSport Syllabus because of his wisdom and artistry of the figures. Travel soon took Cristiano to southern Italy where he began to establish a substantial amount of business. Within a short time, twenty studios were spread throughout southern Italy. In addition to the dance studios, at this time Cristiano was traveling to Greece and Spain where he coached and judged competitions. Cristiano left a trace of his dance by forming the Mediterranean Open Championship. Cristiano had seen Ballroom dancing in Italy grow so much that he wanted to open new doors. He traveled to the United States in 2005 and immediately began to compete.
Dancing with 'Stars' for a Cause: MyFoxHOUSTON.com
If you want to see the entire performance...which is MUCH sexier than this made for tv performance, you can still buy tickets for the November 5th event by CLICKING HERE
If you can't attend the event, you can vote for your favorite "Star" and we're sure your fav is the Head DISH Lori Freese by CLICKING HERE Every dollar goes straight to the Halo House Foundation AND you get a tax deductible receipt!
See you on the Dance floor DISHIES!

8th Tour de Lance??
Lance Armstrong announced that this year's Tour de France will be his last. He made the announcement on his Twitter, the place where all major announcements are now made:
"Yes, this will be final Tour de France. It's been a great ride. Looking forward to 3 great weeks."
You've had an amazing "cycle" Lance and DISH is proud of you!!
Seven wins while also beating cancer! DISH is cheering you on for the 8th!!
Also announced today is Nike launching the LIVESTRONG line worldwide today! These two things along with is girlfriend Anna Hansen being preggers with their second child...Life is GOOOOOOD for Lance! =)
CLICK HERE to follow DISH on Twitter!

Marty Ambrose, Dean of Traffic...and Everything Else
Houston is full of amazing history and that includes radio and television history. The man that actually started the act of traffic reporting anywhere started it right here in Houston and his name is Marty Ambrose. No doubt you've heard his peaceful, joyful voice over the air waves while you were stuck in traffic somewhere and instead of feeling road rage, you felt a smile break across your face because of the smile you heard in his voice. Marty has recently retired from the job he loves because he has been diagnosed with ALS. If you would like to learn more about the disease or help to raise money for research please CLICK HERE.
DISH Publisher Lori Freese spent a lot of time in radio in Houston and was honored enough to be included in the Roast and Toast of Marty Ambrose that took place on June 18th at the KUHF studios. When we say it was an honor to be included, the room was filled with the who's who of the Texas Radio Hall of Fame Inductees, former and some up for nominanation currently. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees, Radio Hall of Fame Inductees, Emmy winners, Edward R Murrow winners and so much more. To say were were in awe is an understatement.
We are going to publish Brent Clanton of CNN 650's speech to Marty because it was so beautiful and made all of the points we could ever consider making.
Thank you to Scott Arthur for putting this amazing event together!
No matter where you are in Houston (or most major Radio markets), Marty's the guy who created the network of observers, reporters, and "traffic personalities" that now provide you with up to the minute commuter intel each morning and afternoon.
It's incurable, and he knows it, and so do we.
It's rare that you get the chance to tell someone how much they've meant to you over the years, but on Friday night (6/18) a few of Marty's closest, longest, oldest, bestest friends converged on the Channel-8 TV Studios to pay tribute and roast The Dean of Traffic Reporting.
Some of the comments were hilarious...a few were scandalous...but all were heartfelt. There wasn't a dry eye in the house.
Here is my homage:
Ed Shane hired me to work for him at KODA-AM (1010) in 1975, and one day he called me at home and asked whether I’d have time to do traffic reports for his morning show as I commuted from Spring Branch to the University of Houston.
I was estatic…and a little intimidated. (For all you young-pups in the room, this was before cell-phones; to do a traffic report, you either had to have a two-way radio, or a pocketfull of quarters and a working knowledge of the locations of a thing we used to call a “pay-phone.”)
Marty Ambrose was running Houston Traffic Central in those days, out of a one-room efficiency apartment in the 2016-Main high rise, overlooking the Pierce Elevated. He invited me to come have a look at their Operation, and I was amazed: scanners and two-way radios packed onto every shelf-surface they could arrange…phones and cords stretched all over the room, and giant, dry-erase boards covered the walls that didn’t hold shelves, for near-instantaneous posting of the latest traffic conditions…as heard on the radios and scanners.
Reports were performed live, eyeballing the dry-erase boards, and a huge, analog clock with a sweep-second hand. I was mesmerized.
I learned a lot from Marty…never worked for him…and in fact, he fed traffic reports to me in later years when I was a Radio morning show host.
I am still learning from Marty Ambrose as he addresses his struggle with ALS with grace, good humor and humility…and a sense of purpose. And one other thing: Marty’s not a Bible-thumping evangelical firebrand. But the sermons he’s preached as he has lived his life are more resounding and profound than anything you’d hear from the pulpit on Sunday.
Marty—I thank you for your kindness…I salute you for your courage…and I am proud to count you as a friend.
KTRK News Anchor Dave Ward has more below.

DISH, VH1 "You're Cut Off" Party
The hot new show on VH1 "You're Cut Off!" is featuring Houston's own Princess Erica Rose and DISH is so proud of her that we had to throw a party! Thanks to the great sponsors for making this awesome event happen!
Lexis Florest
Momentum BMW and Mini
Houston Dynamo
Lucky Strike
Retreat Hill Winery
CLICK HERE to see some of the photos!
Seen on the Scene: Erica Rose, Ben Rose, Dr. Franklin and Cindi Rose, Myia Shay, Kim Padgett, Jeremy Anderson, Dustin Palmer, Peter, Herro, Jami Kelley, Cryatal and Paul Wall, Robin Reimer, Heather Baker, Stephanie O'Kieff, Patrick Faas, Ellen and Harvey Grodjesk.

LLS Woman of the Year
One of DISH's favorite people is up for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Woman of the Year. Her name is Beth Bryant and her last change to raise funds to win is this Wednesday! Please join DISH is helping her reach her goal!! DISH-Houston.com Publisher Lori Freese is on the host committee and so are a few other local celebs like Erica Rose who's new VH1 show "You're Cut Off" just started showing this week. Come on out and visit, eat and drink for a good cause!
The event is from 5-7pm and will be a suggested donation of $15.00 at the door for the event which will take place in the bar and patio area. This donation will include your first drink complimentary and great swag bags for guests from Dolce Vita day Spa, Fleming's, and more!. Fleming's will also donate 10% of happy hour sales from Wedneday's event to Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.