Entries in erica rose (9)
Divas of Dereon!
Divas of DereonHouse of Deréon Media Center is hosting an extravagant drag contest. On October 25, 2012, 15 of the most “dragalicious” entertainers in Texas will compete for the title of “Miss Diva of Dereon 2012.”
The Divas of Deréon Drag Contest is an exclusive event that was created to help bring unity back to Houston’s gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, and transgender (GLBT) community. Divas of Deréon Drag Contest will celebrate the most talented female illusionists in Texas.
A portion of the proceeds generated will benefit local charities such AIDS Foundation Houston and Bering Omega Community Service.
Divas of Deréon Drag Contest producer, Aaron Courtland, wanted to provide a unique and elegant forum for female illusionists to display their many talents. “This isn’t your backwoods, hole-in-the-wall drag show,” said Courtland. He tells contestants to channel their “inner diva” and bring their “A” game.
The Divas of Dereon Drag Contest will be emceed by the 2012 Miss Gay Texas winner Kara Dion and her twin, 2001 Miss Gay Texas winner Tara Dion. There will also be special surprise performances by Kara & Tara Dion as well as extraordinary characters from event entertainers Puppet Pizzazz.
Responsible for selecting Miss Diva of Deréon 2012 are local celebrity judges, Joy Sewing, ShopGirl Fashion blogger and fashion editor for the Houston Chronicle, television personality Erica Rose, and Travis Cal, designer & stylist to the stars.

Bachelor Pad Screening!
Well this has already started with some drama!! The screening for the Bachelor Pad reality show is coming up and of course there will be a party with our very own local gal Erica Rose. She is on the show again this season.
She recommended another local guy be on it as well and all seemed fine and dandy until...dun dun dun....it turns out he was caught trying to oust her on the very first episode!! WHAT??? YES, Girl!!
More drama! It seemed that was put behind them until this party happens! Yes, the one DISH is about to invite you to attend! His (we aren't mentioning his name on purpose) name was on the invite and he was also supposed to be there when he BACKED OUT!! After all of that work on so many people's parts and he backs out saying he had fallen in love and was going to be out of town with his new girl. WHATEVER! If you give your word and make a commitment your arse better be there! Love, if it's love will be there in an hour! UGH!
Another little inside info about this thoughtless jerk, apparently he showed up at one of DISH'S events and one girl was trying to get people to take pictures with him and you couldn't pay folks to! Not because he was some reality show wanna be but because no body knew who he was! What a TOOL!
Good thing he won't be there on the 30th or he might have gotten a face full of DISH! =)
Anyway, put it on your schedule! June 30 at Capitol at St. Germain!
You and a Guest are Invited to attend a special screening of ABC’s "The Bachelor Pad"
Benefiting Holly Rose Ribbon Foundation
Monday, July 30th 6:30 until 9 pm
The Capitol at St. Germain: 705 Main at Capitol
$20 Suggested donation
Includes A Complimentary Dripping Springs Vodka cocktail and Delectable hors d'oeuvres From Chef Ed Roberts.
Kindly Respond to: lilypax@yahoo.com
Surface parking located Directly Across Capitol, Garage Parking on the Corner of Capitol and Fannin
See you there, DISHIES!

Houstonian Erica Rose on VH1
There is a new show on VH1 called "You're Cut Off!" and Houstonian Erica Rose is one of the stars of the show. She seemed to be the focus of negative attention this week...do you think this pampered princess straightened up and asked for forgiveness or did she blow everyone off??
Watch below!

Here is Erica's response to this week's episode.

DISH, VH1 "You're Cut Off" Party
The hot new show on VH1 "You're Cut Off!" is featuring Houston's own Princess Erica Rose and DISH is so proud of her that we had to throw a party! Thanks to the great sponsors for making this awesome event happen!
Lexis Florest
Momentum BMW and Mini
Houston Dynamo
Lucky Strike
Retreat Hill Winery
CLICK HERE to see some of the photos!
Seen on the Scene: Erica Rose, Ben Rose, Dr. Franklin and Cindi Rose, Myia Shay, Kim Padgett, Jeremy Anderson, Dustin Palmer, Peter, Herro, Jami Kelley, Cryatal and Paul Wall, Robin Reimer, Heather Baker, Stephanie O'Kieff, Patrick Faas, Ellen and Harvey Grodjesk.

LLS Woman of the Year
One of DISH's favorite people is up for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Woman of the Year. Her name is Beth Bryant and her last change to raise funds to win is this Wednesday! Please join DISH is helping her reach her goal!! DISH-Houston.com Publisher Lori Freese is on the host committee and so are a few other local celebs like Erica Rose who's new VH1 show "You're Cut Off" just started showing this week. Come on out and visit, eat and drink for a good cause!
The event is from 5-7pm and will be a suggested donation of $15.00 at the door for the event which will take place in the bar and patio area. This donation will include your first drink complimentary and great swag bags for guests from Dolce Vita day Spa, Fleming's, and more!. Fleming's will also donate 10% of happy hour sales from Wedneday's event to Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.