Entries in vh1 (2)
Houstonian Erica Rose on VH1
There is a new show on VH1 called "You're Cut Off!" and Houstonian Erica Rose is one of the stars of the show. She seemed to be the focus of negative attention this week...do you think this pampered princess straightened up and asked for forgiveness or did she blow everyone off??
Watch below!

Here is Erica's response to this week's episode.

DISH, VH1 "You're Cut Off" Party
The hot new show on VH1 "You're Cut Off!" is featuring Houston's own Princess Erica Rose and DISH is so proud of her that we had to throw a party! Thanks to the great sponsors for making this awesome event happen!
Lexis Florest
Momentum BMW and Mini
Houston Dynamo
Lucky Strike
Retreat Hill Winery
CLICK HERE to see some of the photos!
Seen on the Scene: Erica Rose, Ben Rose, Dr. Franklin and Cindi Rose, Myia Shay, Kim Padgett, Jeremy Anderson, Dustin Palmer, Peter, Herro, Jami Kelley, Cryatal and Paul Wall, Robin Reimer, Heather Baker, Stephanie O'Kieff, Patrick Faas, Ellen and Harvey Grodjesk.