Part of living the DISH lifestyle is taking care of yourself! Here on the Health DISH you will find great diet tips, the latest on fun workouts, yoga and running workshops and so much more!
Entries in cari shoemate (8)
DISH DEALS thanks to Cari Shoemate
Hi guys! I have some exciting news….I have a very cool Prize Pack from Henkel to give away to one of my readers…aka YOU! They sent me this awesome package filled with haircare and home products such as Dial, Purex, RightGuard and more! Plus…you will get a $250 Sports Authority Giftcard AND a FitBit Ultra Tracker ($99 value) to track your workouts, sleep paterns and calorie burn! The FitBit alone is such a cool prize and will help you stay on track with your fitness goals!
What do you have to do to enter? Tell me WHAT MOTIVATES YOU TO WORKOUT! As you know, my main goal is to help others get in shape – so by sharing your motivational tips, we can help each other!
What are your biggest motivators? Your skinny jeans? A big party coming up? Being able to run that half marathon you signed up for? Or, maybe you want to prevent heart disease that runs in your family? Just share whatever it is that motivates you or fuels your desire to stay fit!
Steps to Enter The Contest:
- CLICK HERE and comment! Let me know what motivates you to workout or stay (or get) Fit!
- “Like” or Tweet this post on your own Facebook or Twitter pages and encourage your friends to enter!
- Follow me on Twitter and/or subscribe to me on Facebook and if I see your post I will comment or Retweet it!
- The Deadline is Tuesday 10/2! Check back on my blog on Wednesday 10/3, where I’ll announce the lucky winner!
Once I see your comments and your “Like” or Tweet I will enter you into the drawing and then chose one random winner on Tuesday 10/2! I’ll notify the winner on Wednesday 10/3.
Good luck!

Workout like an RPD!
Hey DISHIES! Want tight, beautiful legs and tushy like the Rockets Power Dancers??
DISH Trainer Cari Shoemate shows us how with Yasmine!

Time Change Could Mean Workout Change Also

Bombshell Bootcamp
As you know DISH Publisher Lori Freese has been working out with trainer to the stars and Houston Rockets Power Dancers Cari Shoemate...well there is a new bootcamp that is starting on September 26th and YOU are requested!
It's 6:30 - 7:30 Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays but this time Cari is splitting the training with the former captian of the Houston Rocket's Power Dancers Carrie Barnhart...You want to talk about getting your tail in shape?? These two are the ones to do it!
If you're a member of FIT the 6 week course will only cost you $200 if you're not a member it's $230 and if you'd just like to drop in from time to time it's a $15 drop in fee. DISH Publisher Lori Freese with be there every day and would love for you to work out with her!
"Let's get Houston MOVING! Health is so important and it's more than just eating well, you have to move! Cari Shoemate is absolutely the best trainer I've had! She's the best cheerleader AND buck-kicker you'll ever have. She's worth every ounce of sweat!" Lori Freese says.
Email for more information and to sign up!

RACE FIT with Cari Shoemate!!! Part 3
It's HERE DISHIES!! The 3rd installment of Race FIT with DISH Trainer ...and trainer of the Rocket Power Dancers...CARI SHOEMATE!!!
DISH wants you to get healthy and FIT with us so see you at the training sessions!! Please come to the sessions then Cari will wait to take your payment info at the end of the week. She's also offering pro-rated options (if you can't do the whole 6 weeks) and drop-in class rates of $15.
Mondays and Wednesdays at 6 pm we will be meeting along Buffalo Bayou here: We meet at the bottom of the stairs (NW corner closest to Sabine Lofts) along the Bayou. **Please remember to bring: a mat (for abs), a towel (optional) and lots of water! It will be hot, but we will be in the shade and you will get acclimated.
On Tues/Thurs we will meet on the treadmills up at Fit at 11:30 am.
Looking forward to seeing you guys all next week and helping you run your fastest 5k or 10k ever! Email Cari HERE if you have any questions!