Time Change Could Mean Workout Change Also

Also, after a certain period of time your body gets used to those same movements and weights you are using every week and you will stop seeing results. The solution is to change things up! This is always a good idea and I recommend making some sort of major change every 3-6 months and minor changes every 2-3 weeks. For major changes that could mean changing gyms or doing your workouts in a new place. If you have nice weather, take advantage of it and do some of your workouts outside! A change of scenery (indoors or out) can do wonders for you workouts.
Another big change you can make are trying a different workout time and make sure to fit it in your schedule. Or, try a new workout partner. If you are happy with all of those elements, then try making some small, minor changes every few weeks to spice things up. Try a new class at your gym, try a new technique like drop-sets, use cross-training or buy an interval timer. Remember that change is good and its necessary if you want to grow and strengthen both your mind and body!
For More workout tips from Pro Cari Shoemate, visit her website Cari-Fit.com
Posted on Tuesday, March 13, 2012 at 10:30AM
in cari shoemate, change up, class, dish, dish-houston, dishhouston, houston, intervals, workout
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