Entries in soccer (5)
Dynamo Run Volunteers
If you aren't running in the Houston Dynamo run this weekend...you can help volunteer to make it a huge success! Here is the info!
3. Delivery Volunteers
a. Time: 7:00 am- 9:00 am
b. Place: Houston Dynamo Offices- George R Brown Convention Center- 2nd floor to Luke’s Locker 1953 West Gray Houston, TX 77019
c. Number of Volunteers: 4-6 Depending on their car size (prefer big trucks or SUVs)
d. Duties: Load up boxes of registration packets in cars at George R. Brown, drop off at Luke’s Locker Room, set up pick up area including tents and tables
4. Volunteers to Work Packet Pickup Area
a. Time: 10:00 am- 1:00 pm, 1:00 pm- 4:00pm, 4:00 pm- 7:00 pm
b. Place: Luke’s Locker 1953 West Gray Houston, TX 77019 and Houston Dynamo Offices-George R Brown Convention Center-2nd Floor
c. Number of Volunteers needed: 5 per group
d. Duties: Check people in and give them their registration packets, last group must break down tables and tents, load tents tables and remaining boxes and drop off at George R Brown Convention Center
5. Setup Crew
a. Time: 5:00 am- 6:00 am
b. 900 Smith St. Houston, TX 77002
c. Number of volunteers needed: 45
d. Duties: Set up pre-registered and non-registered areas (3 tables 3 tents per area), hang banners, and alphabet signs, set up tents and tables at the three water station sites, and help vendors/ corporate teams set up at their designated area
6. Volunteer Check-in
a. Set up Dynamo Charities tent
i. We will set up
ii. Volunteer Houston and we will work the tent
7. Volunteers on Streets
a. Time: 4:30 am- 6:00 am
b. Place: 900 Smith St. Houston, TX 77002
c. Number of Volunteers needed: 4 (2 on Walker and 2 on McKinney)
d. Duties: Check vendors and Companies off list, and give them their parking permit and map of the site
8. Water Stations
a. Time: 7:30 am - 9:15 am
b. Place: 900 Smith St. Houston, TX 77002
c. Numbers of Volunteers needed: 24- 8 per water station
d. Duties: 4 people will fill cups with water and the other 4 people will pass out the water, break down tents, tables and clean up area
9. Kids Fun Run Medal Givers
a. Time: 8:30 am -9:15 am
b. Number of Volunteers Needed: 8
c. Duties: Stand at finish line and give each kid that finishes the race a medal
10. Clean-up/Breakdown Crew
a. Time: 10:30 am- 12:30 pm
b. Place: 900 Smith St. Houston, TX 77002 and University of Houston’s Robertson Stadium.
c. Number of Volunteers Needed: 45 (some need to have SUV’s or trucks)
d. Duties: Break down registration tents, take down signs and banners, load up tents, and boxes, go to the 3 water stations and load up equipment into cars, t take boxes to George R. Brown and Stadium, and tents, tables and water containers to University of Houston’s Robertson Stadium.
If you're interested in helping please contact
Corbett Parker

Wanna hang with DISH and the DYNAMO'S and help out a charity????? Here's your chance!
Make your reservations now!! Call 713 276 7574 or email LStutt@HoustonDynamo.com

Giving Back Dynamo Style
DISH LOVES when folks give back and help out. CHILDREN AT RISK is a nonprofit organization that drives change for children through research, education and influencing public policy.
The Houston Dynamos' Tickets for a Cause has been extended to CHILDREN AT RISK supporters! For one more game, on October 4th, Dynamo is offering $15 discounted tickets with $5 being donated to CHILDREN AT RISK for each ticket sold.
If more than 500 tickets are purchased by our supporters, CHILDREN AT RISK will get a publicity package from the Dynamos valued at $25,000!
Dynamo Tickets for a Cause
Ticket Purchase Instructions
1. Click on the picture above to go to the ticket purchasing website or click here.
2. At the website, click on the Find Seats link for the October 4th game.
3. Enter password in the Special Offer Code Box (Password is DYNAMO).
4. Create an account on the right side of the page by entering your email address then clicking Sign Up.
5. Enter Account information then click Continue.
6. Check the agreement box and proceed to getting your tickets.
Thank you for your continuted support of CHILDREN AT RISK! If you have any questions or are interested in other ways to give to CHILDREN AT RISK, please contact Laura Brown, Project Coordinator, at 713.869.7740 or lbrown@childrenatrisk.org

DISH and the DYNAMO!!
DISH has no idea how we ended up with this honor but we were invited yesterday to sit with the President of the Houston Dynamo, Oliver Luck, in his suite for the game against DC this weekend! WOOHOOO!!! Go ORANGE!!
We will take great pics and we have already been in touch with Michael Chabala (number 17) and told him that he better play well for us! =)
DYN---AMO it's Houston and Orange!!! TOTALLY...(if you were a cheerleader, you would know the chant we were working with)
Can you tell we are excited?? YIPPEEEE

Tonight over at Roberston Stadium Houston's own Dynamo take on Real Salt Lake! The game starts at 7:30 and DISH will be there with our orange on being loud and proud!
By the way, DISH was remiss a month or so ago when we promised Dynamo player Mike Chabala Happy Birthday on DISH...we never did it! Mike, DISH is very sorry and we are dedicating this entire story to you =)
We Love you MIKE!!! Number 17 is THE BEST!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!!
So there ya go! Ladies, DISH isn't sure if he's single or not but he sure makes soccer worth watching =)