Entries in 5k (1)
Dynamo Run Volunteers
If you aren't running in the Houston Dynamo run this weekend...you can help volunteer to make it a huge success! Here is the info!
3. Delivery Volunteers
a. Time: 7:00 am- 9:00 am
b. Place: Houston Dynamo Offices- George R Brown Convention Center- 2nd floor to Luke’s Locker 1953 West Gray Houston, TX 77019
c. Number of Volunteers: 4-6 Depending on their car size (prefer big trucks or SUVs)
d. Duties: Load up boxes of registration packets in cars at George R. Brown, drop off at Luke’s Locker Room, set up pick up area including tents and tables
4. Volunteers to Work Packet Pickup Area
a. Time: 10:00 am- 1:00 pm, 1:00 pm- 4:00pm, 4:00 pm- 7:00 pm
b. Place: Luke’s Locker 1953 West Gray Houston, TX 77019 and Houston Dynamo Offices-George R Brown Convention Center-2nd Floor
c. Number of Volunteers needed: 5 per group
d. Duties: Check people in and give them their registration packets, last group must break down tables and tents, load tents tables and remaining boxes and drop off at George R Brown Convention Center
5. Setup Crew
a. Time: 5:00 am- 6:00 am
b. 900 Smith St. Houston, TX 77002
c. Number of volunteers needed: 45
d. Duties: Set up pre-registered and non-registered areas (3 tables 3 tents per area), hang banners, and alphabet signs, set up tents and tables at the three water station sites, and help vendors/ corporate teams set up at their designated area
6. Volunteer Check-in
a. Set up Dynamo Charities tent
i. We will set up
ii. Volunteer Houston and we will work the tent
7. Volunteers on Streets
a. Time: 4:30 am- 6:00 am
b. Place: 900 Smith St. Houston, TX 77002
c. Number of Volunteers needed: 4 (2 on Walker and 2 on McKinney)
d. Duties: Check vendors and Companies off list, and give them their parking permit and map of the site
8. Water Stations
a. Time: 7:30 am - 9:15 am
b. Place: 900 Smith St. Houston, TX 77002
c. Numbers of Volunteers needed: 24- 8 per water station
d. Duties: 4 people will fill cups with water and the other 4 people will pass out the water, break down tents, tables and clean up area
9. Kids Fun Run Medal Givers
a. Time: 8:30 am -9:15 am
b. Number of Volunteers Needed: 8
c. Duties: Stand at finish line and give each kid that finishes the race a medal
10. Clean-up/Breakdown Crew
a. Time: 10:30 am- 12:30 pm
b. Place: 900 Smith St. Houston, TX 77002 and University of Houston’s Robertson Stadium.
c. Number of Volunteers Needed: 45 (some need to have SUV’s or trucks)
d. Duties: Break down registration tents, take down signs and banners, load up tents, and boxes, go to the 3 water stations and load up equipment into cars, t take boxes to George R. Brown and Stadium, and tents, tables and water containers to University of Houston’s Robertson Stadium.
If you're interested in helping please contact
Corbett Parker