Entries in Michael Chabala (2)
DISH and the DYNAMO!!
DISH has no idea how we ended up with this honor but we were invited yesterday to sit with the President of the Houston Dynamo, Oliver Luck, in his suite for the game against DC this weekend! WOOHOOO!!! Go ORANGE!!
We will take great pics and we have already been in touch with Michael Chabala (number 17) and told him that he better play well for us! =)
DYN---AMO it's Houston and Orange!!! TOTALLY...(if you were a cheerleader, you would know the chant we were working with)
Can you tell we are excited?? YIPPEEEE

Tonight over at Roberston Stadium Houston's own Dynamo take on Real Salt Lake! The game starts at 7:30 and DISH will be there with our orange on being loud and proud!
By the way, DISH was remiss a month or so ago when we promised Dynamo player Mike Chabala Happy Birthday on DISH...we never did it! Mike, DISH is very sorry and we are dedicating this entire story to you =)
We Love you MIKE!!! Number 17 is THE BEST!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!!
So there ya go! Ladies, DISH isn't sure if he's single or not but he sure makes soccer worth watching =)