Giving Back Dynamo Style
DISH LOVES when folks give back and help out. CHILDREN AT RISK is a nonprofit organization that drives change for children through research, education and influencing public policy.
The Houston Dynamos' Tickets for a Cause has been extended to CHILDREN AT RISK supporters! For one more game, on October 4th, Dynamo is offering $15 discounted tickets with $5 being donated to CHILDREN AT RISK for each ticket sold.
If more than 500 tickets are purchased by our supporters, CHILDREN AT RISK will get a publicity package from the Dynamos valued at $25,000!
Dynamo Tickets for a Cause
Ticket Purchase Instructions
1. Click on the picture above to go to the ticket purchasing website or click here.
2. At the website, click on the Find Seats link for the October 4th game.
3. Enter password in the Special Offer Code Box (Password is DYNAMO).
4. Create an account on the right side of the page by entering your email address then clicking Sign Up.
5. Enter Account information then click Continue.
6. Check the agreement box and proceed to getting your tickets.
Thank you for your continuted support of CHILDREN AT RISK! If you have any questions or are interested in other ways to give to CHILDREN AT RISK, please contact Laura Brown, Project Coordinator, at 713.869.7740 or

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