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Entries in texan (2)

Lance and Bono Hanging in France

bono.jpg Glad to see Bono is feeling better!

He's is still recovering from his emergency surgery that happened a few weeks ago, but thankfully, he isn't doing it alone.

He's been relaxing at his villa in the French Riviera with visitors stopping by frequently to visit him. Like Texan Lance Armstrong and his little family!

Lance tweeted out this picture this morning of himself, Bono, his pregnant girlfriend Anna Hansen and his adorable son Max, all enjoying some lunch at Bono's place.

Lovely! Bono...where is our invite?? We'd like to come relax too!!!

P.S. - Isn't baby Max PRESH!!

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Mr. Big Britches...

In trouble again?!

The Santa Barbara police department have issued an arrest warrant for Randy Quaid and his wife, Evi.

Guess the native Houstonian and his wifie poo didn't feel like paying for their lil' vaycay!

The pair are under felony investigation for allegedly ditched their $10,000 hotel bill at the exclusive San Ysidro Ranch.

It just doesn't matter who you THINK you are...you still should never assume people will give you ANYTHING!