Entries in robert sanger (1)
Crazy Quaid's Miss Court
OOPS...Paging Dennis Quaid...Can you get your brother to act normally or are you avoiding him like the rest of Hollywood??
Texas's latest fav train wreck couple Randy and Evi Quaid apparently don't care if they go to jail or not because they have missed their scheduled court date AGAIN!! This time they were sue in for defrauding an innkeeper. Between yesterday and today there have been two missed dates and their lawyer, Robert Sanger, was left dangle in the air alone with a severely hacked off Judge and DA!
According to sources, Sanger plead in vain with the Quaids on the phone this morning to show up but when they failed to appear, Judge Frank J. Ochoa issued a bench warrant for their arrest!
Honestly, if you are going to be dumb you've gotta be tough and DISH says they should pay for their bad behaviour!
Ah...the strange joy that comes from watching crazy people! Thank you Randy and Evi!