Entries in dennis quaid (3)
Dennis Quaid Helps the Newest UH Graduates
Dennis Quaid and DISH Contributor Melissa EdwardsIt's not every day your alma mater asks you to join the graduation processional and sit front and center on the ceremony platform...much less sit next to a multi-generational heartthrob like Dennis Quaid. The afternoon 2013 Commencement for the University of Houston's College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS) may not be remembered for the encouraging words by our illustrious President Khator or the outstanding number of graduates who were recognized for graduating from our Honors College or with academic honors but what will be remembered was the fact that Dennis Quaid shared their momentous day.
Quaid is everything you see on screen, ruggedly handsome, lean and exudes effortless charm and twinkles that "aw shucks" look in his eyes that makes you just want to talk to him all day. His speech to the graduates emulated his style while sharing stories of growing up in Houston, working at Steak & Ale (even donning their famous puffy white sleeved shirts) and stated that it was when he was working as a clown at the beloved and former Astroworld that he enrolled at UH and found what he wanted to do with the rest of us life...act.
Sitting close to a megastar can be intimidating but his charm put everyone at ease and the platform audience enjoyed watching the graduates sneak behind the line of congratulating faculty to shake his hand and even grab a few selfies for their multimedia outlet of choice. Definitely a day to remember for all!
To watch Dennis Quaid's speech click below!

Crazy Quaid's Miss Court
OOPS...Paging Dennis Quaid...Can you get your brother to act normally or are you avoiding him like the rest of Hollywood??
Texas's latest fav train wreck couple Randy and Evi Quaid apparently don't care if they go to jail or not because they have missed their scheduled court date AGAIN!! This time they were sue in for defrauding an innkeeper. Between yesterday and today there have been two missed dates and their lawyer, Robert Sanger, was left dangle in the air alone with a severely hacked off Judge and DA!
According to sources, Sanger plead in vain with the Quaids on the phone this morning to show up but when they failed to appear, Judge Frank J. Ochoa issued a bench warrant for their arrest!
Honestly, if you are going to be dumb you've gotta be tough and DISH says they should pay for their bad behaviour!
Ah...the strange joy that comes from watching crazy people! Thank you Randy and Evi!

Apple, Falling, Tree, Too Close for Comfort
You've heard the saying the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Usually this is in regards to children and their parents however in this instance it's brotherly love. You remember us telling you about Houstonian Randy Quaid having a MASSIVE amount of trouble with the law??
Well while leaving Phillippe restaurant in West Hollywood this week, a tipsy Dennis Quaid got behind the wheel along with his wife Kimberly. You remember Kimberly, the Austin Real Estate Agent turned Hollywood wife?Anyway, after moving the car mere inches, a police officer pulled up to let them know they should probably call a cab.
According to witnesses. Dennis was trying to explain to the Mr. Police Man that he didn't want to drive however that didn't seem to make him not do it! The cop said "get out of the car" continuously until the Quaids went back in to the restaurant to call the cab that eventually picked them up.
The paparazzi joked with Quaid saying "You don't want a DUI. You don't want to end up like Mel Gibson!"
No, Dennis, you certainly do NOT!
Now that wasn't very nice was it?? See if he ever works with you again..oh wait...he hasn't. Dennis should you be making fun of those that are more successful than you even with their bad behaviour? Just askin'.