Entries in houston (481)
Ewan Gibbs: Arlington National Cemetery
Opening November 11, 2012 and on view through February 10, 2013 is the Ewan Gibbs: Arlington National Cemetery at the Lower Brown Corridor, Caroline Wiess Law Building, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.
This exhibition of drawings and photographs opens on Veterans Day and recognizes the impact of a visit to Arlington National Cemetery. British artist Ewan Gibbs (born 1973) trained his expert eye on the iconic site to create a series of 16 drawings based on photographs taken during previous visits. The exhibition also presents 36 photographs from the MFAH collection by artists who served as inspiration to Gibbs.
On display together, the drawings and photographs underscore Gibbs’s interest in visual perception, specifically the role the human eye plays in viewing and processing visual material.
This exhibition was conceptualized by the late MFAH curator Barry Walker. The exhibition is organized by Yasufumi Nakamori, MFAH -associate curator for photography; and Rebecca Dunham, MFAH curatorial assistant for prints and drawings.
Generous funding for this exhibition and its accompanying catalogue is provided by the following donors in memory of Barry Walker: John Blackmon and John Roberson; Jeanne and Michael Klein; Lora Reynolds and Quincy Lee; Scurlock Foundation; Lynn Goode and Harrison Williams; Lea Weingarten; and Kelty and Rogers Crain.
Additional support is provided by Amanda and Glenn Fuhrman and Tassy and Mitch Beasley.

Santaland Diaries Posts it's Last Entry
Sadly a very funny show finds it's end at The Alley. Santaland Diaries plays along with Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol - A Ghost Story of Christmas,which runs on the Hubbard Stage during the Holiday season. David Sedaris' The Santaland Diaries runs downstairs on the Neuhaus Stage. This is the last holiday season that the Alley Theatre will produce this show, directed by David Cromer, who won the MacArthur Genius Award and Obie Award for Best Director. Cromer's critically acclaimed production of Thornton Wilder's Our Town, ran for over a year on Broadway and most recently he directed Sweet Bird of Youth, now running at the Goodman Theater in Chicago. This past summer, David Cromer appeared in the premiere episode of Aaron Sorkin's The Newsroom on HBO. Alley Artist Todd Waite reprises his role as "Crumpet the Elf" in the outlandish, and true, chronicles of David Sedaris' experience as a worker in Macy's SantaLand display.
A compact, one-character comedy, The Santaland Diaries is a hilarious cult classic featuring comic encounters during the height of the holiday crunch. NPR humorist and best-selling author of Me Talk Pretty One Day and Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim, David Sedaris has become one of America's pre-eminent humor writers. Recommended for mature audiences due to language and subject matter.
The Santaland Diaries, by David Sedaris, adapted for the stage by Joe Mantello and directed by David Cromer , begins previews Saturday, November 24, opens Thursday, November 29 and runs through Sunday, December 30 on the Neuhaus Stage.
Todd Waite (Crumpet) is in his 12th season as an Alley Company Artist. Most recently seen in Death of a Salesman as Uncle Ben and November as Archer Brown, he has appeared in over 60 productions including four Christmas seasons of the one-man show The Santaland Diaries.
To purchace tickets CLICK HERE

Deserving DISHIE Entry!
Hey DISHIES! We are still running the Deserving DISHIE Contest!! CLICK HERE for detail on how you can enter your deserving friend!
Below is one of our fav entries so far but they don't want to win the prizes so enter your deserving DISHIE friend today!! - Blessings and Love -xo
By Michael Segal, MSW
"PUUUSH...PUUUSH," I called out to my friend, but it appeared that there was no use in trying anymore. My car was stuck in the mud and I was on a double date. Being a 16 year old boy, I wanted to make a good impression on my pretty and intelligent date. However, hearing the motor rev with the car still stuck in the mud did not earn "brownie points" for my friend or me in the eyes of our dates.
We continued to push and push, but there was no getting my car "unstuck" from the mud. Sharon, my date, was revving the car's engine while Jeff and I were pushing and pushing. Finally, I said, "Enough!"
Embarrassed, I approached Sharon as she sat behind the wheel of my mother's red station wagon. Before I could speak I noticed the gear on the car: IT WAS SET ON "NEUTRAL!" I set the gear to "drive," instructed Sharon to wait until I gave her the signal to press down on the accelerator, and then went back to help Jeff push the car out of the mud.
That was our first date. Even though it resulted in my getting mud on my slacks, Sharon caused me to have love in my heart. I was "stung" by the Love Bug.
Sharon and I dated seriously throughout high school. I went away to college as Sharon was finishing her senior year in high school. Our love, which was blooming, was only matched in size by our long-distance telephone bills. (This was prior to the years of cell phones.)
The next year, Sharon joined me at the University of Texas. We were so happy. We thought we were at the top of the world. We thought our lives were set. That was true until that eventful evening when in a split second our lives changed forever.
On February 18, 1981, we were studying at the library of the University. It was late and Sharon told me that she had to return to her dormitory to go to sleep. We slid into my car and headed toward her dorm, but, unfortunately, my gas gauge was registering "empty." I pulled into a nearby convenience store, borrowed $2 from Sharon, and walked into the store to pay for the gas.
Things do not always work out as one plans them. Unfortunately, the store was in the midst of a robbery, and one of the thieves forced me into the cooler. He followed me, pushed me to the floor, and calmly shot me in the back of the head -- execution style!
The story does not end there. Yes, the criminal thought I was dead; thus eliminating any witness to the crime. However, when the thieves left the store, I still had a faint pulse.
Very few people believed I would remain alive much longer. That is why the police transferred my case to the Homicide division. That is also why the neurosurgeon when he was awakened at his home to see me at the hospital came quickly but returned home as he believed an operation would be futile.
However, when the doctor returned to the hospital in the morning, he was shocked to see that I was still alive. He told my parents that an operation was necessary, but he added that he would be surprised if I survived the surgery.
I fooled all of the medical experts and survived the surgery. However, the surgeon warned my parents that even though I was still breathing I would probably never be able to communicate with anyone or understand anyone who was attempting to communicate with me. Basically, the surgeon stated, I would be "a vegetable."
Hearing those words, my father told Sharon, "Get on with your life." Sharon quickly replied, "Mike is my life."
Even though we were not yet married, Sharon believed in the vows, "in sickness and in health." She dropped out of college for one semester to be with me at the Rehabilitation Hospital in Houston where I was eventually transferred. Sharon was spending her time with her "drooling boyfriend in the hospital" while other college freshmen were spending their time at parties.
Eventually, Sharon returned to Austin to continue her college education. Once again we had enormous phone bills.
My goal was to also return to Austin, to the University of Texas, to be with Sharon. Eighteen months after no one thought I would survive, I accomplished that goal. One of the primary reasons was ... Sharon; my love, who refused to give up or give in.
Four years after returning to college I graduated. For me, that meant I could finally propose to Sharon, my light at the end of the dark tunnel. She was the one who would always encourage me to look forward and not to focus on the past.
On a beautiful day in May, Sharon and I exchanged vows and were married. We were meant to be together. We had dated for nine long and eventful years, but I realized at the wedding that it was worth everything. Sharon was truly my soulmate.
We have been married for many years and we have a beautiful daughter, Shawn. We have experienced so much -- some bad, but more, much more, good.
This is not merely a "love letter" to my wife. Rather, it is the story of a girl's overcoming everyone's "rational" thoughts to stay behind with her critically injured boyfriend. To me that shows what kind of
woman Sharon is--a beauty both inside and out. Further, it shows the lesson of never giving up on one's dreams. I give Sharon all the credit for my recovery--not me. I don't know where I would be without her--definitely not where I am today.
Sharon, I love you so very much.

Christian Music World Gets a New Voice
“You don't always have to know what you want to be when you're in college, for me it was just being a mom and being happy in Houston then ...and then....God gave me music.”
“She would sing all of the time when she was a young girl, I am so proud of her today.”
Music is an expensive industry if you want to do it correctly and El-Hakam wasn’t about to take on the load of something so special and not give it the proper attention and effort it deserved. She researched studios, producers, mastering, mass disk production, sales, cover art, photography, marketing materials, you name it she became an expert or found the best to do it with her. Putting a budget together she then turned to her friends, family, church family and strangers to help fund this new and exciting project. She turned to a funding website so folks could chip in no matter where in the world they lived. She had this to say about this process,
“These are hard times but when you get enough people that care and believe that it can happen it will. And at $15 or so a pop, the price of a CD, and a ton of support you can accomplish anything.”
While working on the funding El-Hakam was knee deep in the search for a producer. Seems a difficult task since she wasn’t even sure which city she would record the album in, Nashville or Houston. Ultimately she knew she needed to get out of her daily life to be able to really buckle down and make a great album. After finding the perfect producer in Marshall Altman (http://marshallaltman.com/) it seemed Nashville was the place to be. With the support of one of the most amazing husbands on the planet and both sets of parents their parents stepping up to take care of the four little people the beginning of this dream could finally happen.
Needless to say, the project fully funded and is in the top twenty-five of highest funded indie albums on KickStarter to date. When God gives you a dream He makes sure you can do it. So now it’s off to promote this new worship album so keep an eye out for Rebekah Maddux El-Hakam at your church or have your worship leader get in touch with her and bring her to your church. It will be an experience you won’t soon forget.
Radiant You is available on iTunes The album is mastered for iTunes. The highest quality of mastering an album can get!
Will be on CCLI, Christian Copyright Licensing International, soon so if you’re a worship leader you will soon be able to use her songs for your church services.
Also look for Rebekah to be featured as the “New Artist to Watch” on www.NewReleaseTuesday.com this November.

Divas of Dereon!
Divas of DereonHouse of Deréon Media Center is hosting an extravagant drag contest. On October 25, 2012, 15 of the most “dragalicious” entertainers in Texas will compete for the title of “Miss Diva of Dereon 2012.”
The Divas of Deréon Drag Contest is an exclusive event that was created to help bring unity back to Houston’s gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, and transgender (GLBT) community. Divas of Deréon Drag Contest will celebrate the most talented female illusionists in Texas.
A portion of the proceeds generated will benefit local charities such AIDS Foundation Houston and Bering Omega Community Service.
Divas of Deréon Drag Contest producer, Aaron Courtland, wanted to provide a unique and elegant forum for female illusionists to display their many talents. “This isn’t your backwoods, hole-in-the-wall drag show,” said Courtland. He tells contestants to channel their “inner diva” and bring their “A” game.
The Divas of Dereon Drag Contest will be emceed by the 2012 Miss Gay Texas winner Kara Dion and her twin, 2001 Miss Gay Texas winner Tara Dion. There will also be special surprise performances by Kara & Tara Dion as well as extraordinary characters from event entertainers Puppet Pizzazz.
Responsible for selecting Miss Diva of Deréon 2012 are local celebrity judges, Joy Sewing, ShopGirl Fashion blogger and fashion editor for the Houston Chronicle, television personality Erica Rose, and Travis Cal, designer & stylist to the stars.