Ewan Gibbs: Arlington National Cemetery
Opening November 11, 2012 and on view through February 10, 2013 is the Ewan Gibbs: Arlington National Cemetery at the Lower Brown Corridor, Caroline Wiess Law Building, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.
This exhibition of drawings and photographs opens on Veterans Day and recognizes the impact of a visit to Arlington National Cemetery. British artist Ewan Gibbs (born 1973) trained his expert eye on the iconic site to create a series of 16 drawings based on photographs taken during previous visits. The exhibition also presents 36 photographs from the MFAH collection by artists who served as inspiration to Gibbs.
On display together, the drawings and photographs underscore Gibbs’s interest in visual perception, specifically the role the human eye plays in viewing and processing visual material.
This exhibition was conceptualized by the late MFAH curator Barry Walker. The exhibition is organized by Yasufumi Nakamori, MFAH -associate curator for photography; and Rebecca Dunham, MFAH curatorial assistant for prints and drawings.
Generous funding for this exhibition and its accompanying catalogue is provided by the following donors in memory of Barry Walker: John Blackmon and John Roberson; Jeanne and Michael Klein; Lora Reynolds and Quincy Lee; Scurlock Foundation; Lynn Goode and Harrison Williams; Lea Weingarten; and Kelty and Rogers Crain.
Additional support is provided by Amanda and Glenn Fuhrman and Tassy and Mitch Beasley.

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