Entries in cancer (4)
Wish Granted!
Introducing Pink Door's "My Pink Wish" Assistance Program!
"To help all women cancer survivors begin a new life, a new career after cancer" - including women cancer patients who are currently receiving cancer treatment in efforts of paving their path to remission.
If you are a woman cancer survivor or currently receiving treatment or know of someone who is, please click on the "My Pink Wish" to read more about the program and to download your Assistance Program Application. This is your opportunity to have your wish granted. Applications for wishes granted will be accepted on a rotating timeline throughout 2011. Applications are based on first come, first serve basis for those women cancer survivors or women currently receiving treatment who need help most. All applications for women cancer survivors or women currently receiving treatment will be considered as set forth by Pink Door's Board of Directors and those that apply must live in Houston, TX or the surrounding area. Should your wish be granted, Pink Door will contact you, therefore please fill out all information on the application. Those applications received incomplete will unfortunately not be considered at this time. On behalf of Pink Door's Board of Directors, we look forward to granting many wishes to come!

Medical Majiuana for Swizzle-Hips
As the Houstonian battles pancreatic cancer, Patrick Swayze has been using medical marijuana to treat the nausea, insomnia and anxiety from the chemotherapy treatment.
“He’s recently gained a little weight and feels more normal than he has in months,” said a source. “Patrick was rapidly losing weight because he couldn’t keep food down.
The "source" continues to say that at one point, he was so weak that he needed help getting around.
“Patrick and his brother Donnie get together almost every day and smoke a joint. They have been seen smoking weed on the roof of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center while Patrick was getting a treatment,” said the family insider.
So...is Donnie sick too? and now that the "source" has just sold them out, will they get in trouble for particilating in the green??
The good news is..if you can believe the National Enquirer, Swizzle-Hips has found something that helps.

Help Fran Drescher Beat Cancer
DISH contributer Fran Drescher has the coolest website that helps folks fight the cancer that has attacked their bodies. It's informative, uplifting, helpful, supportive and most of all...HILARIOUS! After all, laughter is the best medicine!
Now you can help her org win a much deserved award! The cool thing is it only take about 2 minutes of your time AND you are automatically entered to win FREE STUFF!!! You know how we LOVE FREE STUFF!!!
Click HERE to find out how!

Fran Drescher is DISH'S Newest Contributor!!!
IT'S TRUE!!! DISH is so blessed to be able to tell you that it's official! Fran Drescher AKA The Nanny...is our newest contributor! As you well know DISH supports charity, local business, green living and taking care of others...Although Fran is not a Texan, her fight against cancer is something we all can relate to. Cancer needs to be talked about, we all need to learn as much as we can about and make sure that we and our friends and family members are healthy and get the best care if they need it. That's where Fran comes in. Cancer is a worldwide issue not just Texas or Houston so we figured why not bring in the best of the best in spreading the word about cancer to make sure we really got your attention! Please join DISH in welcoming FRAN DRESCHER!!!
Click HERE to read her first entry on our newest page...the HEALTH DISH!!!