Entries in medical (1)
Medical Majiuana for Swizzle-Hips
As the Houstonian battles pancreatic cancer, Patrick Swayze has been using medical marijuana to treat the nausea, insomnia and anxiety from the chemotherapy treatment.
“He’s recently gained a little weight and feels more normal than he has in months,” said a source. “Patrick was rapidly losing weight because he couldn’t keep food down.
The "source" continues to say that at one point, he was so weak that he needed help getting around.
“Patrick and his brother Donnie get together almost every day and smoke a joint. They have been seen smoking weed on the roof of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center while Patrick was getting a treatment,” said the family insider.
So...is Donnie sick too? and now that the "source" has just sold them out, will they get in trouble for particilating in the green??
The good news is..if you can believe the National Enquirer, Swizzle-Hips has found something that helps.