Fran Drescher is DISH'S Newest Contributor!!!
IT'S TRUE!!! DISH is so blessed to be able to tell you that it's official! Fran Drescher AKA The our newest contributor! As you well know DISH supports charity, local business, green living and taking care of others...Although Fran is not a Texan, her fight against cancer is something we all can relate to. Cancer needs to be talked about, we all need to learn as much as we can about and make sure that we and our friends and family members are healthy and get the best care if they need it. That's where Fran comes in. Cancer is a worldwide issue not just Texas or Houston so we figured why not bring in the best of the best in spreading the word about cancer to make sure we really got your attention! Please join DISH in welcoming FRAN DRESCHER!!!
Click HERE to read her first entry on our newest page...the HEALTH DISH!!!

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