Entries in sabine street (1)
Want to know what's happening with the Bayou?
Dish runs the Buffalo Bayou everyday so needless to say it's crazy obvious to us that there is A LOT of changing going on and it's all really neat! If you are wanting to know what's happening, why, how and when...you can get the skinny at the Buffalo Bayou Partnership preliminary Master Plan for the Shepherd to Sabine stretch of Buffalo Bayou. The community meetings will take place:
United Way of Greater Houston Community Resource Center
50 Waugh Drive, Houston 77007 from 6-8 pm
The October 14th meeting follows a series of gatherings held in Junewhere the public shared their ideas and recommendations for enhancing the Shepherd to Sabine parkland, one of Houston's most iconic landscapes.
"We have listened to the public input that we received at our earlier community meetings and have incorporated many of the ideas into the preliminary master plan," explains Anne Olson,Buffalo Bayou Partnership President."The upcoming meetings will give the public the opportunity to review the preliminary design and provide additional feedback."
In addition to seeking the public's input on the preliminary master plan, Buffalo Bayou Partnership representatives will be providing updates on numerous projects recently completed or currently underway along the Shepherd to Sabine segment, including:
· Harris County Flood Control District "pilot project" that has restored a small stretch of the bayou channel to a more natural condition · Construction of a new pedestrian bridge and trails connecting to nearby neighborhoods · City of Houston and TxDOT rebuilding of the three-decades-old bike trails that have fallen into disrepair To review the summary from the June community meetings, click here. See you tonight!
For a history of the Shepherd to Sabine project, click here.