Entries in buffalo bayou (3)
Join Buffalo Bayou Partnership and KBR for the 6th year anniversary of KBR Kids Day on Buffalo Bayou. A day filled with FREE family fun, hands-on educational activities, music, food, park performers, and kayak demonstrations on the bayou!
Activity stations will include numerous hands-on activities from over 30 Houston non-profit organizations partners, rock climbing wall, kayak and skateboarding demonstrations, Art Cars on display (Jeannie Bottle by Kelly Blakley, Hen-a-Tron by Drew Bettge, Mr. Green by Mark Bradford and Sentrasauraus by Perri Harper), local entertainment, face painters and balloon artists.
Additionally, there will be a Halloween Costume Parade, so come dressed in your favorite costume!
It's all happening Saturday, October 20, 2012 from 11am-3pm, so mark your schedules today!
All performances will take place at the Children’s Memorial Hermann Stage
DJ Bill and his Bag of Tricks and
Chick-fil-A Herd of Cows
Leah White performing her Houston Hits
FREE grass-roots, all day event connecting the dots between, skateboarding, music, art, and science
Lee and Joe Jamail Skatepark
Halloween Costume Parade led by
Whole Foods Market Veggie Salute
1pm Captain Kale with Whole Foods Market
Healthy Eating Games
Break Free Crew/ Break Dancing
Allegro West Academy
Dance Zone
Emotion Dance Company
Mixteco Ballet Folklorico
North Harris Performing Arts
Planet Funk
Vitacca Dance Project
Houston Dance Showcase Presented by Vitacca Productions & Company
Want to know how much all of this wonderful entertainment costs?? It's DISH'S favorite price!! It is FREE and everyone is welcome!
Food and drink will be available for purchase (including food trucks – It’s a Wrap, Luchi & Joey’s, Monster PB&J, Porch Swing Desserts and Snow Cone Angels)
Put on your favorite Halloween costume and join us at Downtown’s Sabine Promenade – (150 Sabine Street, 77007) between Allen Parkway and Memorial Drive.
Parking is so easy! Parking is available at City Lot H (next to Fonde Recreation Center at Sabine Street and Memorial Drive) and Lot C (Memorial Drive and Houston Avenue).
Of course none of this could happen without some amazing sponsors!
Lead sponsor KBR with additional support from Children’s Memorial Hermann, City of Houston Mayor's Office of Special Events, Downtown District, The Greensheet, Houston Family Magazine, Houston First Corporation, Houston Parks and Recreation Department, IKEA, KHOU-Channel 11, Orange Show for Visionary Arts, Texas Children’s Health Plan, United Airlines, Watermill Express and Whole Foods Market
Would you like to know a little bit more about Buffalo Bayou Partnership? It is, after all, the entire reason the city of Houston exists! Buffalo Bayou Partnership is the non-profit organization revitalizing and transforming Buffalo Bayou, Houston’s most significant natural resource.
The Partnership coordinates the integration of major amenities into the bayou greenbelt and seeks ways to increase community involvement through pedestrian, boating and biking amenities, permanent and temporary art installations, and other natural and built attractions.
For more information CLICK HERE
See you on the Bayou, DISHIES!

40th Annual Buffalo Bayou Regatta
The 40th Annual Buffalo Bayou Regatta is Saturday, March 10 but it's not too late to enter to participate!
Texas' largest canoe and kayak race - a 15-mile stretch! The race starts at San Felipe and Voss and ends in downtown at Sesquicentennial Park, adjacent to the Wortham Theater Center. One of the fun things you can win is **UNITED AIRLINE TICKETS FOR CORPORATE CUP WINNERS** Because it's the 40th year there will be a **REGATTA PHOTOGRAPH CONTEST**
Now the real fun happens at the **FINISH LINE**
And, of course....DISH is a very proud sponsor!
Click HERE for more information on Buffalo Bayou, it's history and why it's so important to preserve and maintain it!
Please note: Registration ends on March 8. Day-of registration will be available , but you will NOT be included in the official timekeeping of the race, and will not be eligible for awards, and will start 5 minutes after the last start of the race.
Free Houston Wave shuttle service at the Finish Line from 11:30am - 3pm to bring you back to the starting Area.
Don't have a boat, no problem... Click here for list of canoe and kayak rental vendors.
Click for the following information:
Route of Regatta
Video from the "kayak cam" - experience last year's race (thanks to Chris Denny with Lead Optimize)
Rules and Regulations
The Free Finish Line Festivities happen from 11am-2pm at Sesquicentennial Park and include: Live music by Curtis Poullard and the Creole Zydeco Band, rock climbing wall, bouncy inflatable from Planet WOW, outdoor recreational vendors, a chance to cheer on racers as they cross the finish line, and food drinks will be available for purchase. Awards cermony will take place at 1pm.
Regatta participants: An e-mail with all Regatta details will be sent to youone week before the race date. We look forward to seeing you there! For addtional Regatta questions, contact Trudi Smith at tsmith@buffalobayou.org or 713.752.0314 ext. 3.
United Airlines has generously donated round-trip airline tickets again this year for the Corporate Cup Winners - NEW this year, we are going to have a drawing for the first place Corporate Cup winners in the mens, womens, mixed and seniors divisions. The winner of this drawing will be the lucky recipient of round-trip tickets! However EVERY official participant will receive a t-shirt, lunch and beverages, and a chance to win some great prizes including a brand new Kayak from Austin Canoe & Kayak, weekend get away hotel packages, and more! all photographers from all over the city are invited to snap a winning photo of participants in the regatta. For the "winning" edge, the winning image to surprise us and inspire with a creative take on what you think this event signifies to you, the participants, and the community at large.

Want to know what's happening with the Bayou?
Dish runs the Buffalo Bayou everyday so needless to say it's crazy obvious to us that there is A LOT of changing going on and it's all really neat! If you are wanting to know what's happening, why, how and when...you can get the skinny at the Buffalo Bayou Partnership preliminary Master Plan for the Shepherd to Sabine stretch of Buffalo Bayou. The community meetings will take place:
United Way of Greater Houston Community Resource Center
50 Waugh Drive, Houston 77007 from 6-8 pm
The October 14th meeting follows a series of gatherings held in Junewhere the public shared their ideas and recommendations for enhancing the Shepherd to Sabine parkland, one of Houston's most iconic landscapes.
"We have listened to the public input that we received at our earlier community meetings and have incorporated many of the ideas into the preliminary master plan," explains Anne Olson,Buffalo Bayou Partnership President."The upcoming meetings will give the public the opportunity to review the preliminary design and provide additional feedback."
In addition to seeking the public's input on the preliminary master plan, Buffalo Bayou Partnership representatives will be providing updates on numerous projects recently completed or currently underway along the Shepherd to Sabine segment, including:
· Harris County Flood Control District "pilot project" that has restored a small stretch of the bayou channel to a more natural condition · Construction of a new pedestrian bridge and trails connecting to nearby neighborhoods · City of Houston and TxDOT rebuilding of the three-decades-old bike trails that have fallen into disrepair To review the summary from the June community meetings, click here. See you tonight!
For a history of the Shepherd to Sabine project, click here.