Entries in ruthie foster (4)
Houston International Fest
This is the last week you can get tickets for only $12!! Prices go up on APril 16th! PLUS you can still get the Universal Passport! This is for those seeking the total Houston International Festival experience, purchase your Universal Passport today!
- Only Available Online
- Admission for all four days
- iFest Lounge access
- A Commemorative Festival T-shirt
- One Parking Pass (Limited daily availability, first-come, first-served)
- $25 off Individual Eternal Tango Tickets, Saturday April 21, Hobby Center
This year's International Fest will be soooo amazing with dance performances, bands like Los Lonely Boys and Ruthie Foster and here's a fav for DISH a FASHION SHOW!!!

Maya Angelou is Coming to Houston!
This is more than a special treat DISHIES! According to my inside sources, Dr. Angelou is not going to be speaking in public for much longer so this may actually be your last opportunity to see her in person.
Thanks to Scott Brogan and The Brilliant Lecture Series Maya Angelou will be in Houston Thursday September 22, 2010 at St. Paul's Methodist Church Downtown at 7 pm. All of the VIP tickets are sold out and there are less than 100 of the regular seating tickets left so purchase yours now! You really don't want to miss out on this opportunity! It really, honestly is ONCE IN A LIFE TIME!
Dr. Maya Angelou is a remarkable Renaissance woman who is hailed as one of the great voices of contemporary literature. As a poet, educator, historian, best-selling author, actress, playwright, civil-rights activist, producer and director, she continues to travel the world, spreading her legendary wisdom
CLICK HERE for your tickets!
See you there, DISHIES!
Enjoy this little moment of Texas music by one of DISH'S favorite musicians, Ruthie Foster who took this poem, Phenomenal Woman, by Dr. Maya Angelou and put it to music. Dr. Angelou personally sent Ruthie flowers after hearing the performance.

Ruthie Foster - Best Contemporary Blues Album
DISHIES! Ruthie Foster is one of the most amazing blues singers around AND she is from Texas!!
It's not too late to get online at Grammy.com, register...it takes 2 minutes or less...and vote for her to win the Best Contemporary Blues Album! Not sure if our vote actually count toward who wins, but it sure would make her feel good to see a bunch of folks voted for her!
Plus, when you are finished with that, you can vote on which song Bon Jovi should sing tonight!!!
DISH voted for "Living on a Prayer"
Enjoy the Grammy's tonight!

Stressful Troubles
Oh DISHIES! The past few weeks have been trying over here at the DISH offices. The head DISH has been sick and not able to perform her normal and usual duties! That's put everything off course, but there is good news! Now that Labor day is over and done with along with white shoes, pants and linen anything...we are ready to press on!
We hope your Labor Day was restful and delicious as it should have been!
Here is a song from one of DISH'S best friends and one of the Texas'...nay...the world's greatest talents...RUTHIE FOSTER!!!!
Remember, they are only problems and troubles if you let them be.
Blessings and love DISHIES!