Entries in bon jovi (3)
Another way Bon Jovi Moves DISH
If you've ever read DISH you know helping others, supporting others and charity is what really motivates us and The Star of Hope Homeless Shelter has been our pet project for many years, even since before DISH's inception. Needless to say when we heard our very favorite singer in the world, Jon Bon Jovi visited with the homeless in Dallas after two sold-out shows over the weekend, we knew we had to tell the story!
Forget the typical rock star egotystical behavior, Bon Jovi spent Monday afternoon continuing his education on how communities can combat homelessness by taking tours of http://www.citywalkatakard.com/ and the Casa Youth Emergency Shelter.
"It's one soul at a time," Bon Jovi said.
In 2006, Bon Jovi started the nonprofit Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation (formerly the Philadelphia Soul Charitable Foundation) and has since built 250 affordable housing units in Philadelphia.
During this concert tour, Bon Jovi has made a commitment to visit as many homeless shelters and foundations as possible in each of the tour cities to share ideas about the fight against homelessness.
Monday's first stop was CityWalk@Akard, where Bon Jovi talked to John Greenan, executive director of the Central Dallas Community Development Corp., and Larry James, president and chief executive officer of Central Dallas Ministries.
CityWalk had its grand opening last month and provides low-cost housing in Dallas to formerly homeless and low-income residents. The facility offers furnished units in a downtown Dallas high-rise, with rents ranging from $350 to $912 per month, including utilities.
A 7-Eleven will be opening in the mixed use building soon. It also has penthouse lofts and business office space which were pre-sold before the project even started.
"Those folks are cleaning up their own act because no one's pointing their finger," Bon Jovi said.
Money and opposition from the neighborhoods is always the biggest issue when low-income housing projects are being considered. But in the long run, these programs can save taxpayers money.
"We're saving taxpayers $50 million per year in Dallas," James said.
The second stop Monday was the Casa Youth Shelter, a 20-bed haven for runaways and troubled youths operated by the Salvation Army.
The shelter – where youth can stay up to 30 days – is funded through grants, federal dollars and donations and offers group, family and individual therapy. Two Dallas Independent School District teachers provide educational support.
Bon Jovi said he understands that the homeless may not be everyone's cause, but he said it is important to get out there, find a passion and volunteer.
"This moves me," Bon Jovi said.
He said wants he wants the next ten years to be a " 'we' decade not a 'me' decade."
For more information on how you can help with the homlessness in Houston or Dallas, click on the links above or google your city and homeless shelter to find a way to help nearest you.

Poison Singer Poisoned!!
Well sort of.
Bret was rushed to a hospital here in Texas after complaining of severe stomach pain. His rep told the press that Bret had to have an emergency appendectomy but that he is doing fine.
So wait...do you think they let him go into surgery without his bald spot hiding bandana?? hhmm we wonder!
Glad to know you are ok though Bret! We love you and your skank loving self! =)
Honestly, we think he was wanting some attention since he was playing a not so full Billy Bobs in Fort Worth while another little 80's hair band Bon Jovi was playing 2 sold out shows down the street in Dallas at the American Airlines Arena...Bret, that would have made us sick to our stomach too.

Ruthie Foster - Best Contemporary Blues Album
DISHIES! Ruthie Foster is one of the most amazing blues singers around AND she is from Texas!!
It's not too late to get online at Grammy.com, register...it takes 2 minutes or less...and vote for her to win the Best Contemporary Blues Album! Not sure if our vote actually count toward who wins, but it sure would make her feel good to see a bunch of folks voted for her!
Plus, when you are finished with that, you can vote on which song Bon Jovi should sing tonight!!!
DISH voted for "Living on a Prayer"
Enjoy the Grammy's tonight!