Entries in Momentum Audi (10)
Fresh Faces
Each summer, Page Parkes Modeling and Talent Agency holds a summer long search for the next great male and female model from the area. STP Images shot the Finals of this ongoing event on Saturday night, July 25.
Held right in front of sponsor Lenny e Cia in Uptown Park, the event drew a large crowd and packed the delicious Galleria area boutique. The bash was sponsored by Momentum Audi and benefitted Child Advocates. Guest judges included a representative from Trump Modeling agency in New York, Lenny e Cia’s owner Anna, Momentum Audi’s General Manager Jared Lang and Page Parkes. Sixteen contestants had three shots at the runway for guests and judges. I spoke to one contestant who drove all the way from Wichita Falls to participate in this event. Ultimately, only one male and one female could be chosen and the decision was tough. The winners were well deserved and will make a splash in Houston as they embark on their modeling career with Page Parkes. Congratulations to all the contestants and especially the winners!

Photos taken and story written by Todd Parker

Houston Press Music Awards
This past Sunday night, 52 bands took the stage at eleven different venues to perform for votes to be the best band in Houston. With a single pass getting you into each venue, it was easy for any music lover to pull a Michael Jackson and OVERDOSE...wait...too soon?? oh well anyway, It was impossible to see all the fantastic musicians, but STP Images shot a few venues including the House of Blues and the Hard Rock Cafe.
While the event was rather spread out, there were several clubs that were within walking distance of each other and made jumping from band to band much easier. The Houston Press also provided little pocket schedules for everyone, although it made me feel a bit like a high school freshman trying to triangulate where we were and where we needed to be!
Momentum Audi sponsored the event and provided a hospitality room at the Founder’s Room at the House of Blues. It was a great night of entertainment! There were a lot of things done right by the organizers, but there are some things that can be improved for next year as well. Take a look at a few of the bands we caught. Some of the shots below include Beetle, LL Cooper, Indiginis, D.R.U.M., Peekaboo Theoryand Mechanical Boy.

Photos taken and story written by Todd Parker

We Rocked!
Here is the amazing photo-video from photographer Todd Parker from the Rococo, Sass&Bide, Rose Ribbon Foundation, Momentum Audi, Houston Modern Luxury and Dish-Houston event!
How HOT!!
We raised over $1200 for the RFF and even more awareness! Thank you for coming and making this a success! Remember, lives can't be changed for the better without you!
Blessings and Love DISHIES!

Thursday was a big night in Houston! There was the Keller Williams Cares event at Momentum Audi to raise money for an agent who is fighting breast cancer. There was the Young Professionals FLOCK event at the Houston Zoo. There was the SPCA event at Zaza....all in all it was a fun and wonderful evening.
The above video was compiled by local photographer Todd Parker whom DISH has come to love and adore (and his DISHIE wife Cindy)! The still pics will be on the Party DISH soon but in the mean time enjoy this video from the FLOCK event! We were right next to the Giraffes and one of the baby elephants painted a picture that was auctioned off that evening. The food was provided by Grotto and Saint Arnolds was there too! GOOD BEER!!!!

Momentum Audi and Keller Williams Fight Cancer
Oh DISHIES! You know how fighting cancer is near and dear to our hearts over here at the DISH offices! Tonight there is an opportunity to fight and we hope that you will join!
Head up to Momentum Audi at around 6 pm this evening and join us to raise money for Barbara Willis fight with breast cancer. There will be a Tootsies Fashion show starting at 6:45, bites from Cafe Annie, and complimentary drinks from Bacardi. There will be prizes, raffle items, and a silent auction. Hope you can make it!
Bacardi will also be teaching folks how to make DISH'S favorite drink...the MOJITO!!!! =)

Hey DISHIES! Here is the video of the pics taken by Local Photographer Todd Parker! What an amazing evening!!