Entries in house of blues (2)
Michael Jackson's B day!
OOOOHHH DISHIES!!! We are having the biggest party to celebrate the King of Pop's b day and we want to see you there!!!
Please join us to celebrate the amazing music AND the 51st birthday of Michael Jackson. Whatever the drama or Jackson's personal circumstances, WHAT A MUSICAL GIFT he left to all of us!
Houston Ballet is going to perform, and our MJ DJs will be so great as they mix/play with our favorite tracks, and other unreleased and rare versions!
Quattro dinner bites and drinks 730-1030pm.
Get your tickets!
See you at the after-party across the street @ Houston of Blues for your complimentary entry to the Foundation Room.
SPEND THE NIGHT + Get a room!
Some of us will have brunch at Quattro the following mid-morning with POOL fun afterward. What will YOU be wearing??
Oh, there's a fab MJ CD for the first 250 people, we love this MJ mix!

Houston Press Music Awards
This past Sunday night, 52 bands took the stage at eleven different venues to perform for votes to be the best band in Houston. With a single pass getting you into each venue, it was easy for any music lover to pull a Michael Jackson and OVERDOSE...wait...too soon?? oh well anyway, It was impossible to see all the fantastic musicians, but STP Images shot a few venues including the House of Blues and the Hard Rock Cafe.
While the event was rather spread out, there were several clubs that were within walking distance of each other and made jumping from band to band much easier. The Houston Press also provided little pocket schedules for everyone, although it made me feel a bit like a high school freshman trying to triangulate where we were and where we needed to be!
Momentum Audi sponsored the event and provided a hospitality room at the Founder’s Room at the House of Blues. It was a great night of entertainment! There were a lot of things done right by the organizers, but there are some things that can be improved for next year as well. Take a look at a few of the bands we caught. Some of the shots below include Beetle, LL Cooper, Indiginis, D.R.U.M., Peekaboo Theoryand Mechanical Boy.

Photos taken and story written by Todd Parker