Entries in mirror mirror (3)
Playing up YOUR Assets!
Did you know that if you fully accept yourself then others can't help but do the same thing? Confidence is one of the most beautiful accessories and DISH Publisher Lori Freese explains in this segment of Mirror Mirror that playing up your best asset is always the first step to perfection!

DISH is on in 11 States!
Thanks to a wonderful show hosted by the amazing Rebecca Spera that is shot here in Houston! The show is called Mirror Mirror and you can see it on ABC Sunday evenings after the 10 pm news or on ABC HD Channel called Live Well HD Network! This fun lifestyle show is on in 11 states and DISH has been blessed enough to host fashion segments! This segment is about hats! They are soooo huge this season! Ralph Lauren had hats on almost all of his models fall and spring 2010! Two of the hat designers we used are based in Houston so look for them because they are definitely up and comers! Gabriela Dror and Veronica Schiller!
Enjoy and keep watching!

DISH Shows YOU how to Dress!
Thanks to Rebecca Spera at Mirror Mirror!