Entries in give back (4)
Deserving DISHIE Makeover Contest
Every once and a while DISH likes to do a give back. Partnering with really great local businesses helps increase our creative flow and now is one of those times.
Thanks to Azur West Salon and Make-up/Skin Care Specialist Jenrty Kelley DISH is doing a DISH MAKEOVER GIVE AWAY!!!
We would like you to write in and nominate the person you feel most deserves a complete hair and make up transformation. Someone who really deserves a day of pampering and a new look!
Is there a mother or teacher at your child's school that is always giving to others? Is there a co-worker who is forever, selflessly giving to their family and will neglect themselves in the process? Maybe someone you volunteer with that goes above and beyond the call of duty and has more than earned some relaxation time.
We want to hear from you! Please send your nomination and the story to DishContest@gmail.com
The top 3 nominees will be published and chosen by YOU so make your story compelling!
The winner will receive:
* Shu Uemura Hair Ceremony that includes a deep conditioning and hair building treatment and a 30 minute scalp and neck massage. ($60 value)
* A complete hair transformation, cut and color that best fits their skin tone, face shape and lifestyle. (Up to $350 value)
* A consultation and professional make-up application by Jentry Kelley herself ($100 value)
* Be highlighted in DISH-Houston.com as our Deserving DISH! We will tell the city just how awesome your nominee is so they can inspire all of us to be a little better every day!
DISH has partnered with Azur West and Make-Up Artist/Skin Care Specialist Jentry Kelley to completely make over the deserving nominee!

Introducing Community Cloth
DISH is proud to introduce The Community Cloth! Community Cloth is a microenterprise initiative empowering refugee women in
Although refugee women face tremendous barriers, they also have many strengths and we should support them in by putting those strengths to use to help themselves. Through producing and selling their wares, the women have an opportunity to express their culture and heritage, learn new skills that will assist them in transitioning to life in the US, and obtain much-needed supplemental income. AND HERE IS WHERE YOU CAN HELP HOUSTON!!! September 1st is The Community Cloth - DISH Sonsored "Happy Hour for a Cause" event that launches Smart Meals as a retailer of Community Cloth items. As all Cloth items are locally produced by hand from refugee women artisans working hard to support themselves and their families, our mission falls nicely in line with Smart Meals' philosophy of using the power of business to solve social and environmental problems. The event will offer guests an opportunity to purchase the latest Cloth items and learn about both The Cloth's and Smart Meals' missions.Houston by expanding opportunities for female refugee artisans. The Cloth supports women who want to create and sell handmade, indigenous arts and crafts such as woven bags, knitted scarves, embroidered linens, household goods and more. All profits from sales go directly to the artisans.
Can't wait to see you there DISHIES!!

Prayers are Needed
DISH is mostly about Houston, within the Texas borders and the outliers that encompass Texas based stories. However there are times that we need to go a bit further and today is one of those days. A major earthquake, magnitude 7.0 hit Haiti today near the very populated Port Au Prince. The quake was felt as far as Cuba and the Dominican Republic. Your prayers and help are most needed because the majority of the homes in Port Au Prince were poorly built at the very most. Give if you can.
CLICK HERE to see the video of the over all damage. Thanks you AP
Click HERE for the American Red Cross International: CLICK HERE to see you how can help these people get their lives back.
ALSO, a few other ways to help...
•UNICEF has issued a statement that "Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them." UNICEF requests donations for relief for children in Haiti via their Haiti Earthquake Fund. You can also call 1-800-4UNICEF.
•Operation USA is appealing for donations of funds from the public and corporate donations in bulk of health care materials, water purification supplies and food supplements which it will ship to the region from its base in the Port of Los Angeles. Donate online at www.opusa.org, by phone at 1-800-678-7255 or, by check made out to Operation USA, 3617 Hayden Ave, Suite A, Culver City, CA 90232.
Many Blessings to you DISHIES for caring, for helping and for loving whenevery you can.

Top Drawer Supports Houston