Entries in earthquake (2)
PLEASE, Please, please Pray for Haiti, From Katie
DISHIES! We are not put on this earth for ourselves, we are here to help others. We wrote about the Haiti earthquake earlier this week but this is from a friend of DISH. Her name is Katie and she just returned right before this devastating disaster. She works in missions over there. She's very involved with people there that can use our help. Please don't misunderstand, DISH believe that we should help at home too, but this it too overwhelming to ignore. Many Blessings DISHIES!
From Katie:
As many of you know, yesterday and even today are days of devastation in Haiti.
Yesterday, a little before 5 pm, Haiti experienced a 7.0 magnitude earthquake.
The largest earthquake in the Caribbean in over 200 years.
The Haitian Prime Minster estimated today that they expect 100,000 deaths, and over 3 million people affected.
I have been up all night. I am so devastated myself.
The compound and orphanage I visited are all safe and with not much damage but the village around and the huts and homes are all severely damaged and lives killed.
But the damage in Port-au-Prince is catastrophic. On a normal day, it’s known to be full of chaos, so it’s hard to imagine what it’s like now.
60% of the buildings are shoddily built and unsafe in normal circumstances and because the earthquake was considered “shallow,” the damage was even more widespread.
I ask of yall to please pray. It’s all that we can do. Pray... please.
Lets not forget, in the midst of it all, that God is GOOD.
I read in an article earlier this morning…
“The wounded, white with dust, filled the streets. Women clutched their babies, desperate to find help. Others stretched their arms skyward, calling out Jesus’ name.”
This just makes me fall to my knees.
If you would like to read more about some of my friend’s experiences of the earthquake please click the links below to their personal blogs.
Thank you for your support, prayers, and hope.
I truly believe what has happened is a blessing in disguise over time. Haiti is getting so much attention and I know the future only holds good things.
If you would like to make a donation to the earthquake relief, you can go to this website and make a donation.
There is also many other organizations, including the Red Cross, to make donations and even ways to text from your phone to donate.
I apologize that I’m all over the place. My brain is just going crazy and my lack of sleep doesn’t help.
I just wanted to give y'all some details and information of what’s been going on. My heart is in Haiti, and now I'm heartbroken.
Thank you so soo much.
God Bless,

Prayers are Needed
DISH is mostly about Houston, within the Texas borders and the outliers that encompass Texas based stories. However there are times that we need to go a bit further and today is one of those days. A major earthquake, magnitude 7.0 hit Haiti today near the very populated Port Au Prince. The quake was felt as far as Cuba and the Dominican Republic. Your prayers and help are most needed because the majority of the homes in Port Au Prince were poorly built at the very most. Give if you can.
CLICK HERE to see the video of the over all damage. Thanks you AP
Click HERE for the American Red Cross International: CLICK HERE to see you how can help these people get their lives back.
ALSO, a few other ways to help...
•UNICEF has issued a statement that "Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them." UNICEF requests donations for relief for children in Haiti via their Haiti Earthquake Fund. You can also call 1-800-4UNICEF.
•Operation USA is appealing for donations of funds from the public and corporate donations in bulk of health care materials, water purification supplies and food supplements which it will ship to the region from its base in the Port of Los Angeles. Donate online at www.opusa.org, by phone at 1-800-678-7255 or, by check made out to Operation USA, 3617 Hayden Ave, Suite A, Culver City, CA 90232.
Many Blessings to you DISHIES for caring, for helping and for loving whenevery you can.