Entries in drew carey (1)
Drew Carey Supports Lancie Poo
How completely FABOOSH!!!!
Drew Carey promised this week to donate $100,000 to go toward DISH'S future ex boyfriend Lance Armstrong's LiveStrong Foundation if his Twitter follower count reached 100,000 followers by November 9.
This all came to pass after Drew Olanoff, who owns the Twitter name @drew and is living with cancer, put his prime Twitter username up for bid in the name of cancer research.
Well now Drew Carey has upped the ante by promising $1 MILLION if he gets a million followers by the end of the year. Right now Drew is nearing 50,000 followers.
CLICK HERE to "follow" Drew Carey and contribute to the good cause!
CLICK HERE to "follow" DISH on Twitter and stay VERY informed on everything Houston!.