Oh the ramifications of cheating...upsetting and embarrassing your family, being publically known as a cheater, a-hole, liar...the list goes on...and of course divorce.
Turns out, one of the reasons behind Houstonian Beyonce's parents' split WAS because he knocked up his mistress!!
Real classy.
(So his daughter is singing about putting a ring on it and he can't put a condom on it....hhmm)
Mathew Knowles has been confirmed as the soon-to-be baby daddy of Alexsandra Wright's child, the woman who filed a paternity lawsuit against the singer's dad back in October.
Beyonce's mom, Tina Knowles reportedly knew about the forth coming child for "a couple of months" and doesn't even want DNA proof because Mathew already confessed to the affair.
Sources say Tina "particularly bitter" about it because the whole debacle is "so humiliating for her."
Poor Tina!
DISH has been saying since day one that Mathew Knowles is a horrid human...now there is public proof!
Beyonce was singing all of those songs about cheating at the Grammy's and the whispers were that Jay-Z was cheating on her....looks like those pointed words were directed toward dear old dad!

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