Part of living the DISH lifestyle is taking care of yourself! Here on the Health DISH you will find great diet tips, the latest on fun workouts, yoga and running workshops and so much more!
Entries in weight loss (2)
Eat at the Beep
By DISH Contributor Lori Freese:
311, The Weight Loss Phenomenon absolutely works…if you use it... correctly. The good parts of this program are that there are no forbidden foods or keeping score or track of anything, in fact, it thinks for you and there is a nifty little watch to wear. I do like accessories.
The parts that don’t work for my particular lifestyle are if you don’t have time to plan meals, go to the store, cook, take meals or snacks with you because you are away from home and or office for 12 hours plus a day, at events where there are not so healthy bites being shoved in your face plus drinks at lease once a day AND that nifty little watch is very sporty which doesn’t go with Couture.
So I gave it to a friend with a different lifestyle to try it out, more on her experience in a bit.
You see, the premise here is you prepare healthy meals and a few snacks a day and you “Eat at the Beep”. It is that simple. This fuels your body, keeps your blood sugar and energy levels from dropping and thus you burn more calories. Your body doesn’t go into “storage” or “starvation” mode and because you’re feeding it healthy meals and snacks ensuring that it's always satisfied. Your body is built to crave food when it is not nourished. So you can be stuffed to the gills with McDonalds and still have the urge to eat because you body wants the vitamins and minerals provided by fruits, veggies and lean meats. If you don’t feed your body correctly (think putting diesel fuel into a gas engine) then you end up eating more and more and more of the wrong things and then obesity, diabetes and heart issues set in, among other not so amazing things.
This handy little watch takes the thinking out of fueling your body the way it was meant to be taken care of thus you lose weight. You really do! If you don’t eat donuts every time it beeps.
It comes with a pocket guide with meal suggestions, how much of which item is best to eat and a great read about what to expect during each phase of this 43 day experience. It is encouraging and most of all easy! I appreciate the scientific explanations behind why this works. You get me in the brain you cute little watch you!!
Back to my friend’s experience, she loved it! Being able to have the information handed to you, being able to prepare meals almost a week out and the little purse sized guide incase she was having a meal out was incredibly helpful. She didn’t experience physical hunger the entire program because her body kicked in and started using her fat storages as energy. After being a bit tired the first three days it was smooth sailing. She is going to continue using the nifty little sporty accessory because her life is different and absolutely worth it!
Bonus, her husband lost weight too just by the different choices she was making!
Healthy you, healthy family!

10 Reasons You Should Practice Yoga
DISHIES! There are so many reason to get your body moving and so many ways to make it happen! If you're just getting started in a new workout regimen or are looking to improve your performance in what you already do...Yoga is a great workout for multiple reasons! Yoga has many benefits to offer for beginners as well as for those who have practiced for years. It’s been around for centuries but is as relevant today as ever.
Here are 10 reasons Yoga is amazing for you!
1. Stress Relief– Yoga reduces the physical effects of stress on the body. By encouraging relaxation, yoga helps to lower the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Related benefits include lowering blood pressure and heart rate, improving digestion and boosting the immune system as well as easing symptoms of conditions such as anxiety, depression, fatigue, asthma and insomnia.
2. Pain Relief– Yoga can ease pain. Studies have demonstrated that practicing yoga asanas (postures), meditation or a combination of the two, reduced pain for people with conditions such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, auto-immune diseases and hypertension as well as arthritis, back and neck pain, and other chronic conditions. Some practitioners report that even emotional pain can be eased through the practice of yoga.
3. Better Breathing – Yoga teaches people to take slower, deeper breaths. This helps to improve lung function, trigger the body’s relaxation response and increase the amount of oxygen available to the body.
4. Flexibility – Yoga helps to improve flexibility and mobility, increasing range of movement and reducing aches and pains. Many people can’t touch their toes during their first yoga class. Gradually they begin to use the correct muscles. Over time, the ligaments, tendons and muscles lengthen, increasing elasticity, making more poses possible. Yoga also helps to improve body alignment resulting in better posture and helping to relieve back, neck, joint and muscle problems.
5. Increased Strength– Yoga asanas (postures) use every muscle in the body, helping to increase strength literally from head to toe. And, while these postures strengthen the body, they also provide an additional benefit of helping to relieve muscular tension.
6. Weight Management– Yoga (even less vigorous styles) can aid weight control efforts by reducing the cortisol levels as well as by burning excess calories and reducing stress. Yoga also encourages healthy eating habits and provides a heightened sense of well being and self esteem.
7. Improved Circulation – Yoga helps to improve circulation and, as a result of various poses, more efficiently moves oxygenated blood to the body’s cells.
8. Cardiovascular Conditioning – Even gentle yoga practice can provide cardiovascular benefits by lowering resting heart rate, increasing endurance and improving oxygen uptake during exercise.
9. Focus on the Present – Yoga helps us to focus on the present, to become more aware and to help create mind body health. It opens the way to improved concentration, coordination, reaction time and memory.
10. Inner Peace – The meditative aspects of yoga help many to reach a deeper, more spiritual and more satisfying place in their lives. Many who begin to practice for other reasons have reported this to be a key reason that yoga has become an essential part of their daily lives.