Part of living the DISH lifestyle is taking care of yourself! Here on the Health DISH you will find great diet tips, the latest on fun workouts, yoga and running workshops and so much more!


Entries by DISHhouston (36)

DISH DEALS thanks to Cari Shoemate



Hi guys! I have some exciting news….I have a very cool Prize Pack from Henkel to give away to one of my readers…aka YOU! They sent me this awesome package filled with haircare and home products such as Dial, Purex, RightGuard and more! Plus…you will get a $250 Sports Authority Giftcard AND a FitBit Ultra Tracker ($99 value) to track your workouts, sleep paterns and calorie burn! The FitBit alone is such a cool prize and will help you stay on track with your fitness goals!

What do you have to do to enter? Tell me WHAT MOTIVATES YOU TO WORKOUT! As you know, my main goal is to help others get in shape – so by sharing your motivational tips, we can help each other!  

What are your biggest motivators? Your skinny jeans? A big party coming up? Being able to run that half marathon you signed up for? Or, maybe you want to prevent heart disease that runs in your family? Just share whatever it is that motivates you or fuels your desire to stay fit! 



 Steps to Enter The Contest:

  1. CLICK HERE and comment! Let me know what motivates you to workout or stay (or get) Fit! 
  2. “Like” or Tweet this post on your own Facebook or Twitter pages and encourage your friends to enter! 
  3. Follow me on Twitter and/or subscribe to me on Facebook and if I see your post I will comment or Retweet it! 
  4. The Deadline is Tuesday 10/2! Check back on my blog on Wednesday 10/3, where I’ll announce the lucky winner!

Once I see your comments and your “Like” or Tweet I will enter you into the drawing and then chose one random winner on Tuesday 10/2! I’ll notify the winner on Wednesday 10/3.

Good luck!


There is More to Yoga than Asanas

When I first started yoga it was for the tightness I felt in my back and hips. It would go untreated for a while then it would creep up my back and neck and cause tension migraines. Normally a good run could help alleviate this pain by the sheer movement of the muscles and increased blood flow. Sometimes I would break down and get a massage, it is one of my favorite treats with multi-leveled benefits but it gets expensive. As the summer heat rolled around I needed something that would help but not have to call my friends and family to call the police if I didn't call them back in an hour because I probably passed out from heat stroke.


With yoga, you get the streatching, the strength building...yes strength building! Yoga is not for sissies, the increased blood flow and after one class most of my pain is gone. Awesome. The more I practiced however, the more I noticed I was more calm in my everyday life, I had more confidence,I was more peaceful, slept better and didn't toddle in my 5 inch important talent.  All of these extra added benefits made me want to learn more about this centuries old practice.



Turns out, there is more to Yoga than the asanas (poses)! Hosted by Loraine Frow at Joy Yoga Center we will be lead on a journey of over 4 thoudand years to find out more about the 8 limbs of Yoga. 


The 2 hour bliss fest will be spent wallowing in words discussing the 8 limbs of yoga, followed by  an infusion on the 8 limbs as we move through a 60 minute steady Vinyasa Flow. Topped off with a 15 minute Guided Meditation and Pranayama (Breathing). All supported by the amazing live melodies provided by Anthony Rodriguez.  


Seriously Yogi Peeps, How Much Better Can It Possibly Get? "The greatest challenge in life is discovering who you are... The second greatest is being happy with what you find."



Date: Saturday, October 20th 


Time: 2:00-4:00pm 


Location: Joy Yoga Center  


4500 Washington Ave., suite 900 


Houston, TX. 77007



Register online!



Loraine was born in England and has lived in Houston, Texas for the last 10 years. Prior to that she traveled to various lands, practicing Midwifery and being a Childbirth Educator. Loraine opened her eyes and welcomed yoga into her life in 2007 and since then she has been playing and breathing on her mat. Loraine decided to "try the yoga thing" when she stopped smoking and since then she has been discovering and connecting with the breath, amazed and always delighted at what it supports. She is a great lover  "Pranayama."  



Loraine received her 200 hour certification with Joy Yoga Studio. Loraine's passion and driver as a Yoga Teacher is to provide a fun, supportive, safe environment, allowing students to seek an introspective practice. Loraine offers a strong, steady "Vinyasa" practice, with a focus on the breath being the foundation to the practice of the Asanas. Her classes are an opportunity for self discovery, they are trickled with Yoga Philosophy and infused love.





KPRC'S Dominique Sachse Healthy Lifestyle Kicks Booty!


DISH'S own Health and Fitness Guru Samir Becic sat down with his client and one of Houston's favorite television news anchors Dominque Sachse. Here are her perspectives on health, wellness, Houston and how she maintains her gorgeous figure! After all, she is one of Houston's most beautiful!

SB:   Houston is the fattest city in America, how do you think it got to be the fattest city?

DS:           Dining out in Houston is considered a pastime!  We have the most wonderful restaurants here, and our portions are Texas-sized.  Also, there are fast food restaurants practically on every corner. In tough economic times, for many, that's considered the only choice.

SB:    How do you think we can help Houston become one of the fittest cities in America instead of the fattest?

DS:          It starts with education on nutrition and exercise.  If people saw food as a drug, then it might alter their choices.  It's been proven that through drastic dietary changes, along with increasing exercise, you can reverse diabetes, which is plaguing our youth in record numbers now.  Food has the potential to heal, and it has the potential to harm, depending on how we use it.   Also, human beings were designed to move.  Our lifestyles are counterintuitive to the way we're made.  It's imperative that we do something to work our heart muscle, so that it can continue to work for us.

SB:    Over the course of your career, you have been supporting and promoting healthy lifestyle, in your opinion, what are the most important steps someone should take to becoming healthier?   

DS:        I've always believed that diet is 90% of the equation.  We have so many wonderful resources at our fingertips now when it comes to learning about nutrition.  The internet is a vastly useful tool to research and gain a basic understanding of optimal nutrition.  I've learned over the years that when I eliminate the "whites" from my diet, I look and feel my best.  That includes white bread, sugar, flour and dairy.  I find these foods have an addictive quality to them.  If you eat them, you want and crave more.  For me, it seems to take about 7 days to lose that craving once you cut them from your diet.  After that, you're home free..  Alongside nutritional adjustments, a regular fitness routine that's both attainable and challenging are a must.  The simplest thing is to walk out your front door and go for a jog or power walk with some sprints.  It doesn't cost you a thing and gets you out and breathing some fresh air.

SB:    What is your weekly workout routine?  What do you eat on a daily basis?

DS:          I train with Samir Becic to really engage my muscles and core.  It's an excruciatingly intense workout that really fires up the heart rate and utilizes every muscle group.  I also love to go on bike rides and walks where I incorporate sprints.  I believe that interval training is the key to fat loss.  Spin classes are also fun for me.  Regarding my daily diet, I usually have an Ezekiel muffin for breakfast with some scrambled egg whites.  Lunch will usually include a salad with protein and unsalted roasted almonds as a snack.  Dinner will be some type of meat (chicken, fish) with a vegetable and salad.  There are many healthy food service companies in town like Snap Kitchen and My Fit Foods that take the guess work and preparation out of healthy eating.  I usually pick something up there daily.

SB:    Is it difficult for a career woman to have a healthy lifestyle?  How do you work around it?

DS:         It's simply a conscious effort.  Anything good in life requires thought and then action.  If it's a priority, then you'll do it.  Once you start, then it becomes habitual and almost second nature.  I don't even think of it anymore as something I have to do, but instead something that's part of me.

SB:    What is your biggest obstacle when it comes to healthy lifestyle?

DS:         Sleep deprivation!  Sleep is important for recovery and even weight loss, if that's your goal. Research has shown that people who sleep more, lose more weight and are better able to handle life's stresses.  I have a full plate with work, children, charities, etc..  Some nights, I may only get 6 hours, but I try to make up for that on other mornings when I can sleep in.  

SB:    Name some of your favorite exercises.

DS:         I like using my own body weight for strength training.  I'll do moves with Samir where I'm pushing or pulling him across the room.  The plank position is one of the best core moves around, and of course there's the good, old fashioned push up.  Again, you don't have to have a gym membership to get fit, just the knowledge of what to do and the desire to do it.

SB:    I know that your husband, Nick works out and is also in great shape, how important do you feel being active as a couple is to a marriage?

DS:         I believe it's critical to have a life partner who's like minded when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. Nick and I compliment each other well.  When we met, he exercised religiously, but his diet wasn't ideal.  My diet was clean, but I would let my fatigue get in the way of exercising.  So now, he eats better, and I move more.  We motivate each other to do our best because we want to be around for each other and our children for a long time to come.

Posted on Thursday, September 27, 2012 at 12:42PM by Registered CommenterDISHhouston in , , , , , , , , | Comments2 Comments

2nd Annual Stiletto Stampede to Benefit The Rose

The second annual Houston Stiletto Stampede will be held on Saturday September 29, 2012. The event, presented by FIAT and IdealHeel™, will be hosted by the Sugar Land Town Square, located at 15958 City Walk in Sugar Land, Texas. The Houston Stiletto Stampede will begin at 9:00 AM on Saturday, September 29, 2012. Proceeds will benefit The Rose and rehab programs developed by the Stiletto Stampede non-profit organization. Online Registration ($40) is open now.
The Stiletto Stampede is a 100-yard high heel dash with a mission to encourage young women and men to understand the risks of breast cancer and empower them to prevent the disease by utilizing overall breast self-awareness through early detection and screening methods. 

"We are so excited to be selected as a beneficiary of the Stiletto Stampede this year," said Dorothy Gibbons, CEO and Co-founder of The Rose. "Not only because it will help our women get access to the care they need, but also because the Stiletto Stampede focuses so much on educating young men and women. The Rose appreciates an organization that is truly 'stepping up' to make sure young people understand the importance of knowing their own bodies." 

Online registration ($40) will remain open 
until Friday, September 28 at 11:59 PM. Participants will be able to pick up their race bags prior to the event at the Race Bag Pick Up Party - details TBD. Onsite registration will be open from 8 AM to 9 AM the day of the event at Sugar Land Town Square.
Title Sponsors: FIAT and IdealHeel™
Event Host: Sugar Land Town Square
Event Partners: The Rose, ShakeWell Creative, Noble Energy Inc., Slagware, Deep Trend Inc.
Media Partners: Houston Press, CBS Radio, Comcast

Individual Stampede Registration:  $40
Student Stampede Registration: $20
Team Stampede Registration (Registration for a group of 4): $130
Includes commemorative Stiletto Stampede race tank, race bag, post-party pass and a goodie bag stuffed with coupons, samples and discounts.

CLICK HERE to register!! See you there with your heals on DISHIES!

Tiki Says...

TikiTiki is the mascott of Joy Yoga Center. She also has her own blog that her mommy, Joy Winkler, owner of Joy Yoga Center, interprets for her. This weeks was especially thought provoking and cute so we thought we'd share!

Happy Labor Day to all my yogi and yogini friends!  Well, if your week has been anything like mine, I bet you are exhausted and ready for some relaxation this holiday weekend!


This week was especially hectic for me.  You see, I'm accustomed to staying busy, and I enjoy my full schedule of guarding the studio and greeting my yoga friends, but with the Labor Day weekend, I was even busier running all over town socializing with my doggie friends.
I'm a very social little yoga-dog, and I love to see my friends, but it does take time away from my usual napping schedule.  And to top it off, when I got home from my hectic day of having fun, Mac, my kittie-cat little brother, was pestering me to run around and wrestle with him, but I was feeling tired and generally annoyed.  All of a sudden I realized that I had been so busy all week, that I hadn't had the time to practice my own yoga poses, and I felt it!  My little Chihuahua body felt stiff and sore, and even my mood was affected; I definitely was not my usual bubbly self.

It was too late to go to a yoga class, so I realized that if I was going to make myself feel better, I was going to have to practice some yoga at home, all by myself.  This felt daunting at first - even if I did have the discipline to practice on my own, I didn't have a clue where to start. But now that my mommy has her website with her classes online (, I felt that I had the support and guidance I needed to practice all by myself.  After just a few minutes, I was feeling refreshed, decidedly less grouchy, and ready to play with Mac.

I hear my mommy say all the time that we should integrate yoga in our daily lives, and I had forgotten how important that truly is.  Sometimes we all get so busy with our hectic schedules that we can't find the time to come to class.  And not being able to do our yoga makes us feel even more cranky!  But remember that yoga isn't just for the studio; practicing some yoga at home, even for just a few minutes, can make a big difference in improving your mood and making your body feel less tight and more energized.  Or even if you can't find the time at home, just do a little yoga while you're stuck in traffic.  Simply breathing and being aware of your posture while you're in your car is yoga.

So I hope you all enjoy your Labor Day weekend.  Even if you're busy with your family and friends this weekend and can't make it to class, be sure to find a quiet corner where you can take some time all for yourself.  You'll come out feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and excited to jump back into your crazy schedule!

