Tiki Says...
TikiTiki is the mascott of Joy Yoga Center. She also has her own blog that her mommy, Joy Winkler, owner of Joy Yoga Center, interprets for her. This weeks was especially thought provoking and cute so we thought we'd share!
Happy Labor Day to all my yogi and yogini friends! Well, if your week has been anything like mine, I bet you are exhausted and ready for some relaxation this holiday weekend!
This week was especially hectic for me. You see, I'm accustomed to staying busy, and I enjoy my full schedule of guarding the studio and greeting my yoga friends, but with the Labor Day weekend, I was even busier running all over town socializing with my doggie friends.
I'm a very social little yoga-dog, and I love to see my friends, but it does take time away from my usual napping schedule. And to top it off, when I got home from my hectic day of having fun, Mac, my kittie-cat little brother, was pestering me to run around and wrestle with him, but I was feeling tired and generally annoyed. All of a sudden I realized that I had been so busy all week, that I hadn't had the time to practice my own yoga poses, and I felt it! My little Chihuahua body felt stiff and sore, and even my mood was affected; I definitely was not my usual bubbly self.
It was too late to go to a yoga class, so I realized that if I was going to make myself feel better, I was going to have to practice some yoga at home, all by myself. This felt daunting at first - even if I did have the discipline to practice on my own, I didn't have a clue where to start. But now that my mommy has her website with her classes online (www.MyUniversalJoy.com), I felt that I had the support and guidance I needed to practice all by myself. After just a few minutes, I was feeling refreshed, decidedly less grouchy, and ready to play with Mac.
I hear my mommy say all the time that we should integrate yoga in our daily lives, and I had forgotten how important that truly is. Sometimes we all get so busy with our hectic schedules that we can't find the time to come to class. And not being able to do our yoga makes us feel even more cranky! But remember that yoga isn't just for the studio; practicing some yoga at home, even for just a few minutes, can make a big difference in improving your mood and making your body feel less tight and more energized. Or even if you can't find the time at home, just do a little yoga while you're stuck in traffic. Simply breathing and being aware of your posture while you're in your car is yoga.
So I hope you all enjoy your Labor Day weekend. Even if you're busy with your family and friends this weekend and can't make it to class, be sure to find a quiet corner where you can take some time all for yourself. You'll come out feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and excited to jump back into your crazy schedule!
Posted on Tuesday, September 4, 2012 at 09:18AM
in dish, dish-houston, dishhouston, downward dog, houston, joy winkler, joy yoga center, my universal joy, tiki, yoga
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