This is a page dedicated to what makes the DISH world go 'round...Kaisur, Lucky and Heidi (who passed in 2010). If you're wondering where to get organic dog food, what the best doggie day care is, what vet really goes overboard or about the closest dog park, this page is for you! BARK!






Entries in Training (2)

Rosie O'Doggle Needs Help ASAP!

Here's the problem with CAPS...they put animals down!!! The DISH Dog Trainer found Rosie the other day and is not able to keep her because he has a small apt with 2 dogs and no yard. Rosie is at CAPS now but comes with FREE DOG TRAINING if you can rescue her before her death pressure there!! DISH has offered to foster her until a suitable home is found. HELP US OUT!!! Click HERE for more info!!!

Posted on Wednesday, December 3, 2008 at 01:58PM by Registered CommenterDISHhouston in , | CommentsPost a Comment

Get A Long Little Doggie!

This is so perfect sine the DISH Dogs are long little doggies! heeeheee

The DISH Dogs are starting DISH Doggie Training today! During IKE we had to travel together...usually the DISH Dogs get borded but alas, not this time. This is the first time the youngest DISH Dog got to travel with Mommy. He was in strange houses, around strange people and other strange animals..this brought out the worst in him! Needless to say it's TRAINING TIME! In walks Stephanie with Get A Long Little Doggie Training!

We will take great pics and keep you updated on the progress. We are starting with a 5 week program! Wish us luck!!

Posted on Friday, September 26, 2008 at 09:08AM by Registered CommenterDISHhouston in | CommentsPost a Comment