This is a page dedicated to what makes the DISH world go 'round...Kaisur, Lucky and Heidi (who passed in 2010). If you're wondering where to get organic dog food, what the best doggie day care is, what vet really goes overboard or about the closest dog park, this page is for you! BARK!






Entries in Adopt/Foster (2)

Holiday Pet Adoptions!!

Everyone likes giving a little puppy or kitten for Holiday. That's great if you are a good pet owner, there are tons of animals up for adoption right now that were Holiday pets last year that were gifts to not so responsible pet owners. If you want to give a pet for Holiday then please consider adopting one from one of the many places around town. CAP is a good place to adopt because they put animals down after only a couple of weeks, So you can go save a life!

There is also a place down in the new Pavillions! It's next to Forever XXI and right downtown so you can pick one up on your way home! The pet adoption center will be open on the weekends, starting Saturday, November 29 and will run through Sunday, December 28. Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sundays from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.

There is also the one in Highland Village where the Sharper Image used to be next to William Sanoma. That's where we got the DISH Dog Kaisur 4 years ago on Dec. 18th! =)

Give a needy pet a loving this holiday season. It will make you a better person! =)

Posted on Monday, December 22, 2008 at 02:40PM by Registered CommenterDISHhouston in | CommentsPost a Comment

Rosie O'Doggle Needs Help ASAP!

Here's the problem with CAPS...they put animals down!!! The DISH Dog Trainer found Rosie the other day and is not able to keep her because he has a small apt with 2 dogs and no yard. Rosie is at CAPS now but comes with FREE DOG TRAINING if you can rescue her before her death pressure there!! DISH has offered to foster her until a suitable home is found. HELP US OUT!!! Click HERE for more info!!!

Posted on Wednesday, December 3, 2008 at 01:58PM by Registered CommenterDISHhouston in , | CommentsPost a Comment