Entries in woody harrelson (1)
Texas TV DISH!
Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson, both of whom are from Texas are apparently teaming up to star in a cable television series called True Detective.
The 8 episode season would follow two detectives over a time period that stretches from 1995 to present, during which their lives intertwine as they investigate and hunt down a serial killer in Louisiana.
If the show takes off, the following season would be about entirely different characters investigating an entirely different case. We especially like the concept because each season would allow different major movie stars the chance to work on the series.
For McConaughey, this will be his first regular role on cable, while Harrelson got his start on the sitcom Cheers. Both have already appeared in the films Surfer, Dude and EdTV together, but we'd love to see these real-life friends join forces again!