Entries in tria beauty (1)
How to get Perfect Summer Skin
Face Care: Face care is tough because everyone has different skin types more over here in Houston when the summer comes nothing we use in the winter works! It all makes us break out! This new, all natural skin care line by my good friend D’Andra Simmons out of Dallas is perfect for all skin types and in all seasons! Hard Night, Good Morning! Yes..That is really the name! It’s all natural, pharmaceutical grade, aloe vera based! I had girls from my group try it, they all have different skin types and this is the one product they all loved and wanted to keep! You can get it at whole foods, central market and online at HardNightGoodMorning.com
More Face: BUT before you put any product on your face after washing, if you’re prone to breakouts …which the humid summer will do to just about everyone grab the TRIA Skin Perfecting Blue Light! When you go to get the expensive facials they use this amazing electrical thingy on you and I always wondered if it actually worked or if it was a mark up! Turns out…it does work and now you can have one for home! This blue light kills bacteria! Good bye zits and hello smooth, gorgeous face skin! Which also means less make up!!?? (TriaBeauty.com)
Quick Skin Perfector: This product is such a favorite I gave it away in gift bags at my magazine’s 4th anniversary party! I wanted everyone to have it! It’s called Miracle Skin Transformer with 20 SPF. It hydrates, covers slight imperfections and has spf which we all know keeps us from getting freckles, and wrinkles! (MiracleSkinTransformer.com)
Shaving: Pick your favorite razor but use EOS Ultra Moisturizing Shave Cream is a wet or dry product! This is helpful for so many reasons! If you forget you needed to touch up shave while in the shower you can use this dry AND it will moisturize at the same time! Smooth and soft moisturized skin is KEY to gorgeous Summer Skin! (EvolutionOfSmooth.com) PLUS this product is paraben and phthalate free and the bottle is recycled and recyclable!
Laser Hair Removal: To keep your skin smooth and hair free use the TRIA in home laser hair removal system! This is the road to permanent hair removal! You want to talk soft and beautiful skin!! This is one of my biggest secrets! Everyone knows about the lasers you can get at the plastic surgeon’s office but this is your personal in home system! Use it according to the directions and it works! (TriaBeauty.com)
Body Skin: After you’ve made sure your all smooth Bert’s Bees has a new line of products out called GUD! These products are all natural, environmentally healthy, not tested on animals and you know my favorite words PARABEN, PHTALATE and PETROCHEMICAL FREE!!! The products smell AMAZING too! Light and airy scents for summer! They have body soap, lotion, skin spray, hair shampoo and conditioner…the best part of this product is it starts at only $5.00 and goes up to $12 and you can get it at CVS or Walgreens! I love budget friendly! (GudHappens.com)
One more thing…Burt’s Bees has a great all natural bug repellant as well! Grab that at the whole foods while buying Hard Night Good Morning. Gorgeous skin does NOT have bug bites! =)
Plus you can use it on the dogs when you go for walked because it’s natural so it won’t harm then when they lick it off!
Enjoy your gorgeous summer, DISHIES! xoxo