Entries in summer of hope (1)
Summer of Hope
Summer is usually a time of being carefree, relaxed, taking vacations, not having a care in the world. That is not reality for a lot of people. Homelessness is still a very real problem in Summer, especially in Houston. There are news stories everywhere how Houston is booming with jobs so people will come down with their families to look for work and end up in the shelter because the jobs aren't the right ones or have been filled because there are hundreds applying for the same one job. The kids are out of school so they are eating more meals at the shelter daily than during the school year.
At the Star of Hope's Women and Family Center one evening this week there were 106 women and children sleeping on pallets on the floor because the 296 beds have been filled for 3 years. Yes, the homeless shelter has been over capacity for over 3 years.
When these folks wake up they don't have anything. That is where you come in.
Help make this a Summer of Hope for those who need just a little hope. Start them off right with a toothbrush, soap, a hair brush, toothpaste. All of these things we take for granted they don't have everyday.
You can help, and it doesn't take much. A small financial donation, a food donation or a goods donation goes a very long way in the world of someone who doesn't have anything. Can you imagine not even having a toothbrush?
Give Hope today...CLICK HERE to make a positive difference in someone's life.