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Entries in steve McNair (1)

McNair Latest

Oh wow. So...apparently...Steve was having some serious issues....from the outside of course. We will probably never get the full story. The Tennessee Titan Quarterback was found dead yesterday in a downtown condo in Nashville with a 20 year old girl. It looks like it was a murder suicide, or made to look like one... Steve had multiple gun shot wounds including one to the head. The girl, who was 20 years old, had only one bullet hole in her and it was to the head. The condo they were found in was registered to McNair and another man. The couple , McNair and the 20 year old girl, were arrested 2 nights ago for driving under the influence. McNair was released and they held the girl. The car they were arrested in was a 2007 Escalade that was registered to both McNair and the 20 year old. No word wife or kids anywhere in this story.

It's not our place to speculate if he was having an affair, what the status of his marriage was or anything else for that matter. That being said he was often quoted as daying he loved his kids and wanted to be a role model for them...DISH could be wrong, but we are guessing this was NOT the way to do that.

However, If you are interested in learning how Steve McNair gave back to the community, click HERE for his foundation website.

DISH hopes you will pray for his family and loved onhat are no doubt going trough a really rough time.

(If you are wondering how this story ties into Houston, McNair was the 3rd overall draft pick in 1995 to the Houston Oilers.)

Posted on Sunday, July 5, 2009 at 12:22PM by Registered CommenterDISHhouston in , , , , | CommentsPost a Comment