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Entries in Ryan Rice (1)

Snaps for SNAP

I-10 and Shepherd has a new Wellness Center....for anumals! SNAP, has moved in! SNAP is a non-profit org with the mission to prevent the suffering of dogs and cats caused by overpopulation. They provides free spay and neuter services for fur children! They make it easy for pet owners of all income levels to take care of their babies! They offer spay, neutering as well as vaccinations. You do have to make an appointment. You can do that by calling (713) 862-8001.

Get this!! SNAP also has a mobile clinic that it takes to low-income areas to spay and neuter dogs and cats.  Here’s where you can find the mobile clinic for the rest of the month:

Tues., Jan. 26th      West End Multi-Service Center     170 Heights Blvd.

Wed., Jan 27th    Harris County Courthouse    14350 Wallisville Rd.

Thurs., Jan. 28th      San Jacinto/ Highlands Community Center    604 Highland Woods

Fri., Jan 29th   PetSmart      104 FM 1960 & I-45

If you’re an animal lover, you’ll want to check out the HoustonDogBlog. It's written by DISH favorite Ryan Rice!