Dr. Fed Aguilar, one of Houston's ONLY triple board certified plastic surgeons is now also a Professor at Baylor College of Medicine, Division of Plastic Surgery. As you can imagine, this is a huge honor and proves that Dr. Aguilar is one of the most respected plastic surgeon's in his field. It's a prestigious opportunity for him and the good news is he will still be performing surgeries so you can still have your work done by the best of the best! TODAY is the official first day of his new appointment.
There are many new services that will be available thanks to this move. Because of this change a few things will be different, for instance, you will be able to see Dr. Aguilar at his new office, address below, or the more centrally located office on Sunset Blvd. in West University!
The services they offer will not change, including cosmetic surgery.
If you have any questions about this exciting news and what it will mean for you, Dr. Fred Aguilar and his staff invite you to contact them at any time.
1977 Butler Blvd.
713-798-7572Dr. Aguilar's Direct Line