Entries in patrick swayze (3)
DWTS Tribute to Swizzle Hips
We lost an amazing Texas last week but the world continues to remember him in the most beautiful ways. Patrick Swayze brought dance to the forefront of main stream media well paving the way for shows like So You Think You Can Dance and Dancing With The Stars. He was a guest on DWTS last season and therefore the show created this touching tribute to him...get your tissue ready! We had big crocodile tears!
God Bless and rest your soul, Partick

Swizzle Hips Lives...
It's true!
One of the last things Houstonian Patrick Swayze did before he died was finish his autobiography called The Time of My Life. Along with the actual book, fans of the formally trained dancer should know that the Texan did an emotional and heartfelt reading of his autobiography. From those in the KNOW...it that's said to give you chills.
Patrick's last work will be released as an audiobook, CD and will be available on the same day the book releases which is September 29, 2009.
Not only will Houstonians and Texans run to grab this emotional, inspiring and moving piece of our history but we know people all over the world that were inspired by this amazing and wonderful man snag this audio book up as well.
We love you Partick and are blessed that your legacy will live on to help others.

Swizzle-Hips is Holding Steady
We're so happy to report that on of our favorite Houstonians Patrick Swayze is "doing very well" these days.
You can just ignore the reports that the actor has gotten more and more sick! Some rumors have even reported that he suffered a heart attack! In what world is it ok to makes things like that up??
Swayze's rep assures the public that Patrick is staying strong.
“He’s well. He’s continuing his treatment and doing very well, actually," says Swayze's publicist. "Contrary to reports, he did not suffer a heart attack and has even gained a little weight.”
That's what we like to hear. We're rooting for you, Patrick
Houston Loves YOU!!!!!