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Entries in Michael Kemper (1)

Highland Village Gets Some Horsepower

It was a red hot weekend at the 4th annual Highland Village Ferrari Festival.  More than 1,000 car afficianados perused a rare assortment of 50 pre-eminent Italian automobiles ranging from vintage Ferrari classics to sleeker new models.  The cold weather did not stop event goers as they sipped hot chocolate and cider while enjoying eats from Highland Village's Escalante's, RA Sushi, PF Changs and Tasti D Lite.
 ABC's Rebecca Spera (Whom DISH is shooting a show with this week) and Highland Village salon owner, Michael Kemper (where DISH adopted the youngest DISH Dog , Kaisur during the Chirstmas pet adoption at the salon), emceed the day long event which benefitted Texas Children's Cancer Center.   Franco Valobra, Highland Village Ferrari Festival chariman, gave an award for Best in Show.   Guests were in high gear as they view the best of the best from the world class Italian auto maker. 
In the crowd: Highland Village CEO, Haidar Barbouti, Karen Henry, Andrea and John Mark Osborne, John Puckett, Franco and Nancy Valobra, Dr. ZoAnn Dryer, Lynn and Bob Keener, Sallie Cruger, Shannon Price, Greg Price and Lisa McCoy
Photo Credit: Fulton Davenport
Festival Shot, Photo Credit: Aaron Courtland