Entries in kevin riehle (1)
Cantare Houston: An Audio/Visual/Emotional Excursion
DISH had the most amazing opportunity that only 100 Houstononians are able to experience at a time. In early August, CANTARE Houston performed it's annual Walking Concert through the Museum of Fine Arts Houston. It was a musical stroll through centuries of world class art! This concert featured the exhibit of "Titian and the Golden Age of Venetian Painting," that was on loan from the National Galleries of Scotland, Helhum Newton's WHite Somen, Sleepless Nights, Big Nudes and more.
Artistic director Kevin Riehle and the singers of CANTARE performed cappella treasures from the Golden Age - music of Monteverdi, the Gabrielis, Willaert and other composers of the fertile Venetian period.
As we strolled through the 5 different rooms for music that matched the art of the exhibit we had the gift of historical narration and artistic commentary provided by the curator Helga Aurisch. There was a water song next to Manet and American music next to Tiffany and Jackson Pollock.
Next time this opportunity comes up you MUST attend! Give yourself the gift of Hearing the Art!Admission is limited to 100 people each night and tickets are $50 each. DISH Encourages you to Hear the art of the MFAH, like you've never heard it before!
PLUS...there is a champagne reception and unique door prize giveaways following the concerts...=)
CLICK HERE for the Cantare Houston Schedule and to purchase your tickets now.