Entries in joe jaworski (1)
I got Your Balls....
It's official...sort of....the Coast Guard confirmed the first cases of oil spill tar balls on Texas beaches, and the little balls brought with them cconcern over whether the Deepwater Horizon disaster is going to keep causing different kinds of damage to the Gulf and it's subsequent businesses.
About five gallons of tar balls were discovered on the Bolivar Peninsula northeast of Galveston and another two gallons were found on Galveston Island over the holiday weekend. Some of the tar balls came in at the size of ping pong balls. They have been determined to be BP spill tar balls by testing.
DISH doesn't know about you but we've been dealing with tar on the beaches since we were little and since our parents and grand parents knew how to deal with getting the tar off of our shoes and clothes we will go ahead and assume they dealt with it too when they were young. What we are getting at is tar is nothing new to Texas beaches so we are a little perplexed at why this is such a huge story all of the sudden out of the basic thought that it news is usually slow in the summer so it's time to make up some drama.
Truth is, no one's exactly sure how the tar balls ended up on the Gulf beaches. There's debate over whether the tar spread by hitching a ride on ships or if the oil residue traveled this far (400 miles plus) on its own.
Regardless, Galveston mayor Joe Jaworski told the Associated Press that he believes the relatively tiny amount of tar bars are more happenstance than happening.
"This is good news," Jaworski said. "The water looks good. We're cautiously optimistic this is an anomaly."
We will keep you posted here at DISH but we highly suggest when you go to the beach this summer...and we do suggest you go...that you take some baby oil with you. It helps with the tan and the removal of tar!