Entries in HPD (2)
Baby You can Drive my Car...
But we'd prefer you not to. According to the Houston Police Department if you drive one of the cars from the list below, you might not be driving it for long. It's a list the compile annually of the top 10 most stolen cars. DISH'S car isn't on the list, but we need a new one so.....(we kid we kid)
1. Ford Trucks 174
2. Honda Cars 142
3. Chevrolet Trucks 124
4. Chevrolet Cars 76
5. Ford Cars 63
6. Dodge Cars 59
7. Dodge Trucks 46
8. Toyota Cars 43
9. GMC Trucks 35
10. Nissan Cars 34

Houston Police Department's 15 year vet was gunned down last night on undercover operation. Offficer Henry Canales leaves behind a wife, 15 year old son and 17 year old daughter.
Violence is never the answer. What in the world can we do to get illegal guns off of the streats? Am I living in Utopia fantasy thinking it's possible to stop hurting others needlessly?
Where does it all start? The home you are born into? The upbringing? Or lack there of?
PEOPLE...STOP senseless violence. If you see it happening don't be afraid to step in and help. Call the police and pray they don't get hurt in the process f helping protect and serve. God bless them for what they do.
Please keep this family in your prayers today.