Entries in houston elementary schools (1)
Highland Village Farmers Market gets the Kids Involved!
Highland Village one Houston’s many landmark shopping and dining destinations, is the now home to the new Highland Village Farmers Market as well! It's a Saturday market selling organic and sustainably grown products and Highland Village is calling on Houston’s students to give the new farmers market mascot a name. Isn't he cute?? And what a great and fun way to get the kids interested and involved in organic farming and eating!
Here's how it works! Students, ages 5-11, who are enrolled in a Houston Elementary School are encouraged to put on their thinking caps and create a name for the Highland Village Farmers Market farmer boy mascot. Your child's submission should invlude their suggested name along with an explanation about their choice.
The winner will be announced at the Highland Village Farmers Market on December 5, 2009. The student with the winning name will be awarded a years worth of free Tasti D Lite. A WHOLE YEAR!!!! YUMMY!
But like all fun things there are rules....Entries must be submitted electronically by midnight on November 27th OR postmarked by the 27th if submitted by mail.
You may email your Farmer Boy Name suggestion to shannon.price@hvcenter.com or by mail to Shannon Price, 4055 Westheimer Houston, TX 77027.
About Highland Village Farmers Market:
The Highland Village Farmers Market is the newest farmers market to Houston. Each Saturday between 8am and Noon, the Highland Village Farmers Market hosts 24 vendors who all use organic or sustainable methods of growing. A permanent covered structure (next to Jos. A Banks and across the street from Escalante’s Mexican Restaurant) houses vendors selling pastries, coffee, free range meats and eggs, and a plethora of produce and goat milk products.
Have fun Little DISHIES and good luck!