Entries in friends of earnie (1)
DISHIES! This is an open letter to all of Houston from one of our favorite DISHIES Ernie Manouse.
We all know the economy has been really hard on everyone for more than a year now. Local businesses are going as lean as they can and a lot are unfortunately having to close their doors. Well a bad economy also means cut back in our donation habits and while this is understood there are still certain places where our money really is needed because it means education and jobs...one of these places is your public television! Here is Ernie's Letter:
This year marks my 15thyear with HoustonPBS – what a ride it has been! Working for Channel 8 has given me the opportunity to share Houston’s stories with you…from the opening of the Hobby Center to the farewell performance of Houston Ballet’s Lauren Anderson; from NASA’s final Shuttle Mission to the brutal murder and aftermath of the James Byrd, Jr. killing. We have cried together, been moved together, learned together and at times laughed together.
Time and again, Channel 8 proves its ability to touch lives, educate children, and broaden horizons – and thanks to your generosity, I’ve been able to continue to share our community’s stories.
But today, the very real economic, political and intellectual challenges we face as a country are directly impacting our ability to serve the community. Local production – the cornerstone of Channel 8 since the station’s inception – is facing its toughest challenges to date as funding from corporations, foundations, and state and federal governments grows increasingly scarce.
Today, I ask for your help.
You are familiar with me asking for support during our pledge drives, but today at my station’s request I am writing to you personally – something I’ve never done before – to ask you to contribute $100 to HoustonPBS. My goal is to raise $20,000 and your help is truly necessary for us to reach it.
Your gift will go directly to help in the production of local programs like InnerVIEWS, allowing us to continue presenting fresh and varied points of view, to offer a platform for all voices to be heard, and to tell the stories of Houston’s communities with honor, respect and pride.
I value your trust in me and my work here at Channel 8. I also know that you might not wish to be included in the mailings and messages that the station sends to members. Unless you elect to receive them (or if you already are a member), I assure you that the only mail Channel 8 will send you is the letter acknowledging your gift.
Please give. The sooner we receive your contribution, the sooner its impact will be felt! Making your online donation is simple and secure. Just click here, or copy and paste the following URL: https://secure2.convio.net/kuht/site/Donation2?4081.donation=form1&df_id=4081
Thank you for standing with me and making the future bright for intelligent, quality local programming.
– If you prefer to send a check, please make it payable to KUHT-TV (subject line: “Friends of Ernie”) and mail it to:
Friends of Ernie
c/o Brad Blunt
4343 Elgin
Houston, TX 77204-0008