Entries in emily crosswell (1)
National Philanthropy Day
More than 1,100 Houstonians will fill the ballroom of the Hilton Americas Hotel on Thursday to honor individuals and organizations who model excellence in their efforts to “change the world with a giving heart” in our local community. Local business executive, outstanding community volunteer and distinguished philanthropist James W. Crownover serves as the Honorary Chair. Among those individuals being recognized this year are long-time community advocates Emily Crosswell and Maureen Hackett. Corporations and businesses being honored include Chevron, Legacy Ford, UT MD Anderson, and Empty Bowls Houston.
VIPs expected to attend include: Arthur and Philamena Baird; Glenn Baird; John Beddow; Anne Duncan; Jeff Hildebrand; Dr. Kelli Cohen Fein; Joanie Haley; Steve and Joella Mach; Carmen and Butch Mach; Stan Marek; Ginni Mithoff; Bobbie Nau; Gifford Nielson; Gordon Quan; Beth Robertson; Barbara Robertson; Corby Robertson; Sue and Lester Smith; Ping Y. Sun; Gary Tinterow; and Wallace Wilson.
The National Philanthropy Day Awards Luncheon (NPD) is annually hosted by the Association of Fundraising Professionals - Greater Houston Chapter. Noted as one of the largest events in North America, the Greater Houston Chapter’s Award Luncheon annually.
Individuals that wish to purchase tickets should contact Nerissa Lawford, AFP Chapter Manager at (713) 266-2800 or Admin@afphouston.org