Entries in earth (1)
The Beatles Were Right! Who Knew?
THERE IS A PLANET MADE OF DIAMONDS!!!!! This is better than when I wanted to be Snow White because her 7 little men worked in a diamond mine! This DELISH new discovery is even right in our very own Milky Way.
The newly discovered planet is about 4,000 light years away in the constellation of Serpens.
Largely consisting of crystallized carbon, astronomers are always betting there's oxygen on the planet too!! We could possible LIVE ON A FREAKING DIAMOND! Who has the pool for Beyonce and Jay-Z having their baby there?
The aptly namedPSR J1719-1438 IS bigger than out pretty blue marble, measuring 60,000 km across, that's five times the Earth's diameter for those who are keeping score, and weighs 300 times more She's a thick one!
Wow! That's a lot of awesome information. Hopefully scientists can unlock more secrets like this soon!