Entries in datiing diva (1)
DISH Welcomes THE Dating Diva!!
DISH is so excited to welcome Lori Geshay, the original Dating Diva as our newest contributing writer! She is loving, hilarious, crazy intelligent, hard working and always has a smile on her face and in her heart to share! To kick things off, we asked her to write a little blurb introducing herself to you! After reading it, we were even more impressed by her! She is a genius writer!!! She's not only full of great stories but she is also an amazing advice giver!! CLICK HEREto email her your dating dilemmas!! Make sure to check back under the Dating Diva DISH section often because her stories are hitting hard and often!!!
DISH Contributer: Lori Geshay
About 2 ½ years ago, I dreamt of Dating Diva Adventures, literally! I awoke and quickly grabbed my Hermes journal next to my bed and sketched out the character image for the bathtub graphic that most associate the Dating Diva with today. After 7 years of marriage and a recent end to 3 ½ year relationship/engagement, I realized that I needed to re-discover who I was, what I wanted and what I lacked in my life and so began writing a book---33 First Dates on Match.com, a Dating Diva Adventure.
I’m a girl that has “everything that she wants, and nothing that she needs”, i.e. LOVE. I’ve had a successful IT sales career for over 15 years and travelled around the world. However, I’ve paid too much attention to my job and not enough to my personal life. Why you ask? I believed that money would bring me happiness. I believed that material things would make me whole as I grew up less than middle class in Georgia. I’m here to set the record straight that after all the extravagant purchases, you feel good …for a moment… but then…not so much! Now don’t get me wrong, I love my Birkins, diamonds and anything with an inter-locking “CC” but….they don’t keep me warm at night!
So for those of you that are new to the adventures, I began with 3 BFF’s in-tow, and we created a Match.com account. After over 3,286 hits in 30 days, I set out on a journey of self-discovery in hopes to learn about human behavior, my needs, my desires and basic human interaction. During this process of 33 first dates, I met some incredible individuals and learned about common dating faux-pas and areas of opportunity that we all have!
My book and dating advice column, Dating Diva Adventures is meant to be light-hearted, fun and introspective. It is not about the “hunt for a man”, nor is it about marriage…. or finding a rich, sugar daddy. We’ll leave that to the experts! I am a woman of substance, have my own financial means and don’t need a man for that, nor do you!
For I am a simple girl that has lived a thousand lifetimes in friendship, love, laughter and can only hope that you’ll enjoy the quest for true love as much as I do. So guys and dolls, email me your dating dilemmas.
As I always say, I’m not a dating expert; I’ve just dated more than most!
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