Entries in craig nevius (1)
Snubbing Farrah
Apparently a whole lot of people are all kinds of upset for the snubbing of Texan Farrah Fawcett during the "In Memoriam" part of the Academy Awards show.
Farrah Fawcett's close friend and filmmaker Craig Nevius wants the Academy to issue a public apology for omitting Farrah.
He says:
"Farrah's shocking omission from the 'In Memoriam' montage on the Oscars isn't a reflection of Farrah. It's a reflection of the producers and of the Academy itself. After all, this is a broadcast - as opposed to a 'production' - that has become all about shuffling winners on and off stage and cutting off acceptance speeches in order to make more air time for jokes without punch lines and scripted spontaneity the likes of which we haven't seen since vaudeville.
"They should be ashamed of themselves and owe a public apology in the name of Farrah Fawcett."
The Academy has responded to the Farrah outrage citing that it's not possible to pay tribute to every star who passed away over the last year.
Another noticable omission was Golden Girl Bea Arthur.
DISH feels that the majority of their careers were in television not film and the Academy Awards are specifically film. We could be wrong.